
9 questions women over 50 have about skincare, answered by a skin doctor.

Skincare in your 50s can be scary. Loud. Confusing.

While each decade likes to throw about some big skin changes, our 50s is especially brutal. This is when our hormones like to go completely rogue and introduce all sorts of different changes to the appearance of our skin.

Everything becomes drier. More easily irritated. Duller. Tired.

And chances are, you don't have the slightest clue what you should be doing. Right? Well, you're not alone. 

Watch: Here are 7 ways to improve your skin while sleeping. Post continues below.

So, you know what we did? We decided to ask women in their 50s, who are part of the You Beauty Facebook group (come join!), to tell us their most burning skincare questions

We then submitted said questions to Dr Imaan Joshi from Skin Essentials and asked her if she could answer them.

Here, Dr Joshi shares the best skincare products and ingredients she recommends for those over the age of 50, along with some of her top tips for keeping your skin looking happy and healthy.

1. What's the biggest thing you need to know about skin over 50?

From 50 and beyond, Dr Joshi said it's all about trying to hang onto that precious collagen - because apparently it wants to do everything BUT stay in your skin.

"By the time you hit 50, assuming collagen production has been declining since 25 by one per cent per year, you’re down 25 per cent," she explains.

"Then menopause hits and you can lose a further 30 per cent in the five years, which means you're now down 55 per cent."

We need a minute.

"Thereafter, accelerated loss continues at two per cent every year, so by the time you’re 70, you can be down as much as 80 per cent of collagen."

Thanks to that drop in collagen, you can expect to see several changes in your skin ranging from larger pores to skin laxity, loss of glow, and so forth.

2. What's the best way to get rid of pigmentation on the face and neck?

When it comes to niggling pigmentation concerns, Dr Joshi said, "Prevention is always better than cure" - that is, sun avoidance. It's never too late to start practising sun safety.

In terms of different options that can help manage existing damage, our expert said there are a few different things that can help - but a combination of treatments will usually yield best results.

"Over-the-counter actives such as retinols, AHAs, vitamin C, kojic acid, arbutin, etc," are great ingredients to add into your routine, as well as "prescription products personalised to you," Dr Joshi said. 

In terms of in-clinic treatments, lasers, and lights such as IPL are all potential options, depending on the cause of the pigmentation. 

Important: Dr Joshi adds that machines can make certain types of pigmentation worse, so it's always best to go to an experienced provider and have a thorough consultation before jumping the gun on any specific treatments.

3. What are the best skincare products for rosacea?

Rosacea is a fickle concern, and while it can't exactly be 'cured' per se, there are some things you can do to help manage it and prevent those dreaded flare-ups. And it all starts with sun avoidance - which you totally do already, right? RIGHT.

Other than avoiding the sun and applying (and re-applying) SPF every single day, Dr Joshi said "simple is best" when it comes to choosing skincare products. 

"A gentle cleanser and a moisturiser is best for sensitive skin such as rosacea. I'd seek advice on adding in actives, because too much can make matters worse," said Dr Joshi. 

4. Any tips on how to manage generalised rosacea flushing?

"There are prescription drugs that can temporarily help with flushing but the best way to manage this is via a plan to improve your skin barrier and a plan to improve skin quality," said Dr Joshi. 

"This may include prescription medicine, machines and in-clinic treatments."

So, if you're a dame with type one rosacea and consistently experiencing flushing, it may be best to consult a skin expert or dermatologist and find out a treatment plan that suits your individual concerns.

5. Do peptides make a big difference in skin over 50?

Peptides. You've seen 'em slapped all over the front of various products on shelves - but what do they actually do? And does a 50-something-year-old face need them?

According to Dr Joshi, you might want to invite them around for a chat - because they're quickly becoming the new kid on the anti-ageing skincare block.

"Peptides are a relatively new skin ingredient and there’s early evidence in skin in subjects over 40 that they may help with improving overall skin quality and fine lines - so watch this space!"

6. Are there any skincare products that actually help with jowls? 

"The older we get, the more time, effort and money is required for any kind of serious impact on the things that we dislike in the mirror," explains Dr Joshi.

"Jowls are largely due to significant loss of volume from the upper and midface, combined with loss of collagen and increased skin laxity and loss of bone under the skin.

"There’s no cream or skincare in existence that will improve this and in truth there are many quick fixes advertised that are more likely to end in disappointment for those looking for a cheap, quick fix."

Read: There's a hell of a lot of marketing goblins out there, who are just after your money.

"While it’s absolutely possible to halt and even reverse some of these changes and to help you look great well into your 50s and 60s, it’s important to recognise that if you’re suitable, the problems all need in-clinic treatment (and sometimes surgery may be the only option), are usually multi-modal, take time and aren’t cheap."

Good to know!

7. Is there anything you can do about large pores?

"If you’re not someone who has a genetic predisposition to large pores, the loss of collagen over time can thin skin and make it seem as though pores are getting larger when they’re not," said Dr Joshi.

"Protecting the collagen you have (sun avoidance) and working on adding collagen (through active skincare and in-clinic treatments, if you are willing) is your best way to improve skin and pore quality." 

8. Any recommendations when it comes to the best skincare products for women over 50?

Three words: "Keep it simple," said Dr Joshi.

She suggests using a cleanser, using active ingredients as tolerated (retinol, vitamin C, AHAs/BHAs) and to "moisturise more than you think you need." Yes, even if you have oily skin! 

Keep in mind that all skin types can get dehydrated, and as we age our skin gets drier and loses sebum - so moisturising is key to helping keep your face hydrated, plump and healthy.

9. Anything you should know about the best treatments over 50?

When it comes to skin treatments in your 50s, one big thing to keep in mind is that there's no quick fix. 

"Rejuvenation gets harder the longer you leave it. A well thought out plan isn’t going to be cheap or fast," reminds Dr Joshi.

"You can’t undo decades of ageing in one to two sessions, so while it’s usually possible to undo a lot of the damage, it’s equally important to understand that it takes time, effort and money the more you dislike what you see."

Did you learn any handy nuggets from the above? Share with us in the comment section below.

Feature image: Instagram; @drimaanjoshi.

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Top Comments

odonovanoonagh 2 years ago 1 upvotes
Re the rosacea - I did consult a dermatologist.  He told me only light therapy or something would work and to try the salon next door.  I subsequently learned that his GF owned the salon.  Lost faith thereafter.

taintedblackcat 2 years ago
For jowls - using a roller every night religiously makes a huge difference