I want to tell you a secret.
It’s something about my personality, a key element. It’s either my greatest strength or it’s my defining weakness.
If we all agree it’s my greatest strength, then I would say my secret is that I’m an incredibly efficient person.
But if it’s in fact my defining weakness, then my secret would be this. I’m an incredibly lazy person.
Efficiency plays into my indolence. I’m always looking for short cuts, ways to do a good job faster, the steps that can be skipped, the help you can find. Mostly it’s all in an effort to sneak in an afternoon nap spend more time with my children.
Here are my picks of the top services to make a working mum’s life a bit easier.
Stop shopping.
I hate grocery shopping, with a passion. It sucks out a couple of hours of your weekend, you have to fight to park the car, you have to do battle with the hoards to get a deli ticket. No. Just no.
Get your groceries delivered.
Top Comments
When did family time become lazy time? Studies show that families who work together to do things in the home are tighter units. Why can't the kids help you cook a meal? When I was a kid my mum would sit with my sister and me and we'd cover books together. We'd cut out subject appropriate pictures and stick them on the front. We baked and gardened together. And yes - my mother worked long hours in a mixed business she owned with another wife and mother in a country town. She wanted to spend her time with us teaching us how to become self sufficient and boy! did she do a good job.