
Orphan boy gets a family for Christmas

Davion Only, the orphan boy who begged his church congregation for a family, has been given one for Christmas.

The 15-year-old touch the hearts of millions of people around the world when he stepped in front of the crowd at his Florida church asking for a proper family, saying, “I’ll take anyone”.

10,000 enquiries were received from around the world but it took time to sort through them and find the perfect family for the boy. Davion didn’t want to spend Christmas in his group foster home.

The family he is moving in with for Christmas is a prospective adoptive family. If it goes well, they will become his forever family. Even if it doesn’t work out, at least he gets to experience a proper family Christmas.

It was at St Mark Missionary Baptist Church in Florida in the US that he made his now famous plea:

I'll take anyone. Old or young, dad or mom, black, white, purple. I don't care. I know God hasn't given up on me. So I'm not giving up, either.

Davion Only has also become an advocate for boys like him. Older children need permanent homes too. The Daily Mail reports the inspiring teen was invited to speak to Florida governor Rick Snyder and members of his cabinet about adoption. "Even though I am going through an adoption process right now. I still hope that other kids in foster care get the benefit that I am going to have to be adopted and to have somewhere to call home and to have a bed to call theirs."

We hope it turns out well for this amazing boy.

To foster or adopt in Australia contact Banardos.

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