
Open post: Holidays, engagements and births

I think it’s Wednesday – at least that’s what the calendar said but it could be Monday or Thursday or even Tuesday. Let’s just say that I am incredibly confused by all the holidays. Which reminds me that Mia is still away and once again I’m walking you through the Open Post..

The playing

Working from home over the last couple of weeks has been challenging – I am a woman of routine and order. Note my name backwards and try not to laugh.

But some days things just fall into place. Yesterday the weather was exceptional, I worked at my dining room table where I could watch my son and his friend in the pool. Their joy was palpable, I inhaled it. And it just made me feel so good, the work/life balance clicked into place – even if it was just for one day.  I’m extremely lucky to have such flexible working arrangements. There is so much that I learn from watching my son and one of the things that I really try to take on is  is the way that he interacts with his friends. He doesn’t just like them  – he LOVES them, he puts his every fibre into his play and his whole being is immeresed in what they are doing. It’s a joy and privilege to watch. I hope to transfer some of the devotion he shows to his friends to so many parts of my life this year.

The best of Mamamia 2011

A super sized gallery that highlights some of our favourite parts of the year
A year in summary at Mamamia...
It's been a huge year for us and we have grown so much. The Christmas party was packed compared to last year, when the site only had four official employees.
Our amazing writer, Lucy Ormonde, started this year. She has only just stopped looking very scared all the time.
Our beloved deputy editor, Rebecca Sparrow, announced her pregnancy. Here are Bec and Lana at Bec's baby shower.
We were lucky enough to have Bec visit us in the office a few times this year - here we are picking her brain.
Our writer, Nicky, had her beautiful baby girl, Amelia, who arrived early and caught us all off guard.
Here's Amelia - and isn't she gorgeous! Lana has tried to steal her. Several times.
Zoe Foster joined the Mamamia team. We're super lucky to have her.
We all became obsessed with Zoe's book, Amazing Face - there's constantly one or two copies floating around the office.
Mia brought all her make-up in for Zoe to look over.
And started drawing strange triangles on her face.
2011 also saw the launch of Mamamia on Sky News. Here's Mia with the amazing executive producer of Mamamia on Sky News, Paul Zorzi. Words cannot capture his brilliance.
Attempting to edit the show.
The guests share some cake pops on set.
The make-up collection behind the scenes.
Planning the guest line-up, Nat and Rick go a little stir-crazy sometimes.
We had the priviledge of meeting some incredible people this year. Ingrid Poulson, for one.
Jessica Rudd is another who came to visit and knocked our socks off.
And Nene King.
We were lucky enough to sit in on Mia's photo shoot for Sunday Life in early 2011.
Here's a sneak peek of what was going on backstage.
We continued to add to our now famous post-it wall.
We even had to expand the original wall to a sub-wall in Mia's office. Here is Nat trying to organise it.
We got into colour in a big way this year. Here's Lana.
Mia embracing colour.
Matt also loving it.
2011 was (unofficially) the year of nails. Here are Nat's nails when she became obsessed with Sally Hansen Nail Polish Strips.
Lana and Nicky trying out Kit nail polish.
Nicky rocking yellow nails.
Arm parties. We loved them. Here's Mia.
And Lucy.
As for baking? There's never a shortage in the office. Here's Lana's almond brittle.
The cake Bec baked for her daughter, Ava.
Lucy's gingerbread house.
Lana's blue and white cupcakes.
Here's Rick and his friends at the Rally for Gay Marriage. He did us proud.
We attended Jessica Rudd's book launch and learned about Welcome to Australia. Welcome to Aussie is an organisation that doesn't exist for political purposes, but humanitarian ones. They have one simple message: that Australians of all stripes should extend a welcoming hand to whomever comes here and by whichever means. By plane, by boat, as an immigrant or as an asylum seeker. We had a team photo because we here at Mamamia believe 100% in this premise. If you say welcome, you get more in return.
After the death of Steve Jobs, we realised just how much we value our Apple products in the office.
We launched a Wii tournament in the office. Everyone has fun and nobody knows who is winning.
We drank a lot of tea.
Mia became obsessed with smoothies. Strange looking ones.
We really overdid it with the Christmas spirit this year.

The engagement

The good news emerged yesterday that Zoe and Hamish have announced their engagement.  This was the image that accompanied Hamish’s tweet “Highlight of 2011? Proposing to @zotheysay! Couldn’t be happier. She LOVED the rock. And said yes by the way”

I think you would struggle to find anyone in Australia who doesn’t think this is the perfect pairing.  The thing about their relationship is that it’s not just the great joy that they obviously bring to each other but the light and love they shine on the world when they are together  (or even thinking about being together) . True love from within radiating outwards.  It’s an honour to have some of that light shining on all of us at Mamamia

The birth

Eric Yuzpe our Sales Director became a daddy for the second time just after Christmas when his amazing partner Lizzie gave birth to a beautiful and perfect baby girl – Marlo Bonham. Here’s Marlo with her big sister Kama

The song

I am obsessed with this song (and the candles in the video). I may or may not be cautiously embarrassed to let the world know this

What have you been up to? What’s on your mind?

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Top Comments

Olympia 13 years ago

Hello Lana, where oh where is that salad recipe that you put on here somewhere the other day - the one with caramel popcorn in it? I should've printed it out when I first saw it but didn't and now I want it and can't remember which post it was part of. Please help! Thanks in advance.

Lana - Mamamia 13 years ago

Here it is again - enjoy

Use mixed lettuce
2 mangos
2 avos
1/2 cup craisins
1 cup caramel popcorn (sometimes I use caramelised nuts but the popcorn is SUBLIME)

Dressing is
1/2 cup oil (sunflower)
2 tbs brown sugar
1 tsp soya sauce
1 tbs curry powder
2 tbs finely chopped spring onion or shallots or whatever you call them

PS. You can use strawberries if mangoes are not available

Olympia 13 years ago

Thanks so much! - can't wait to try it.

Olympia 13 years ago

Sorry to be a nuisance - something else I should've asked. Do you just drizzle the dressing over the completed salad or what?

Kathy 13 years ago

Last year there was a post at the end of the year looking back over 2010 at Mamamia sharing the most popular posts, most commented etc. It was really interesting and I'm wondering if we can get a reflection on 2011?