
I can't stop thinking about... that time the Olsen twins got fired from their own show.

When I was a kid, the only thing I wanted to be when I grew up was an Olsen twin

The hardest part was deciding which one, and my bestie and I would launch into full-on heated debates over who would get to be Ashley and who was Mary-Kate.

Because, good God, those girls were literally everywhere in the '90s. From our TV screens to cinemas, with about a bazillion films, which all featured pretty much the same plotline taking places in different settings around the world, they were on the path to their eventual world domination.

Watch: The New York Minute trailer. Post continues after video.

So when I found out that the iconic duo were fired from the very sitcom that made them famous, I was shook.  

It all started because the twins, who shared the role of Michelle Tanner on Full House, wouldn’t stop crying. Because they were... literal babies.

Babies who “kept screaming”, according to Uncle Jesse. Sorry, I mean John Stamos (but who can really picture him as anything else? *Still swooning*). 

The Olsen twins were literally everywhere from the '90s. Image: Getty Images.

“I think I was holding her under the armpits and Dave [Coulier, who played Joey Gladstone) was holding her little feet, and we take her in the kitchen and we hose her down,” Stamos told the Good Guys podcast. (I have questions about that sentence alone but let's just keep going.)

The 59-year-old went on to explain that they “put a fan on her [and] wrapped her up in paper towels”, but both girls were still screaming.

“They wanted to be anywhere else but there and so did I,” Stamos continued. “They were 11 months old, God bless them.”

While the crew tried to “switch” the babies in and out, Stamos snapped and demanded that the twins be fired from the show.

Mary-Kate and Ashley shared the role of Michelle Tanner on Full House. Images: Warner Bros.

“I couldn’t deal with it,” he admitted. “I said, ‘This is not gonna work, guys’. I screamed at them, ‘Get rid of them, I can’t work like this.'”

And so the siblings were axed. And the rest could have been history if the producers had hired cuter replacements, apparently.

“They brought on these two red-headed kids,” Stamos said. “I’m sure their parents loved them and thought they were attractive. It had nothing to do with them being red-headed… but they weren’t very attractive.”

Ummm okay?

A few days later, he insisted that Mary-Kate and Ashley be rehired.

“I said, ‘Bring the Olsens back, these kids are terrible.'” 

Ouch but also thank God.

The Olsen twins retired from acting to become fashion designers. Image: Getty Images.

Where are they now? 

After starring in all eight seasons of Full House from 1987, when they were just six months old, to 1995, the Olsen twins’ careers really took off, and over the next decade the girls made dozens of films together.

Their last movie was New York Minute in 2004, when they were 18 years old. While Mary-Kate went on to act for a few more years, featuring in 2011’s Beastly, the siblings from California have moved on from life on screen.

After studying at the Gallatin School of Individualised Study at New York University, the pair turned their attention to fashion design. Now 36, they run two successful fashion brands – The Row and Elizabeth James – and generally steer clear of the spotlight.

Listen to Tam and Deni deep dive on Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's influence on fashion. Post continues below.

Which is probably why I, as a now-mid-30s millennial, still hang onto every sighting of the Olsen twins, and was left utterly heartbroken when they declined to revive their character in the 2016-2002 Netflix reboot, Fuller House.

At the time, executive producer Bob Boyett told People that the twins were direct about their decision. 

“Ashley said, ‘I have not been in front of a camera since I was 17 and I don’t feel comfortable acting,'” Boyett explained. “Mary-Kate said, ‘It would have to be me because Ash doesn’t want to do it, but the timing is so bad for us.'” 

Bad timing? That wasn’t an outright no!

I continue to live in hope.

Image: Warner Bros, Getty Images.

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