When you're a gal of a *certain age* you start thinking about very important, serious things like, "what will I have for dinner" and "should I have a birthday party this year?"
AKA, the same things you think about at any age because friends, age is just a number, right???
And truthfully, taking care of my skin is something I've done through my teens, 20s, 30s... and now I'm about to hit my 40s (oh wow, that was... difficult to write), I'm not planning to stop looking after my face. Because it deserves to be loved, coddled and taken care of like the sweet baby angel it is.
But the thing is with skincare, the WAY you take care of it changes as you age, because your face has different needs, different dreams and desires. That's why, at 39, I've decided to incorporate retinol into my regular skincare routine, and I picked Olay Regenerist Retinol24 Night Serum to take me on that journey.