
North West will have to work her way to the top.

Think little Nori West will have an easy ride to success? Think again.

She may have been born into the 21st century’s most famous family, but North West’s life will not be easy. At least, according to mum Kim Kardashian.

Kim says 16-month-old North will have to earn her keep growing up, just like she did.

Speaking to ES magazine, Kim spoke of how she worked at a clothing store while studying and used her wage to buy designer clothes she lusted after.

“I saved up for this Dolce & Gabbana dress I really wanted, or like in high school these Prada shoes that my parents wouldn’t buy me," the 34-year-old said.

“And I remember they were $400, and I had to save for the entire year to get them?...?We didn’t get anything [from my parents], we had to get a job if we wanted it. So I was working in a clothing store and I would save and save.”

Kim said her friends were surprised when she began to talk about North's future job.

“I was saying that earlier to my friends, ‘I wonder what [North’s] first job is gonna be’. And they were like, ‘What? She’s gonna have a job?’ and I was like, ‘Are you kidding me? Of course she is’. She will have to work for what she wants.”

The news that Kim, who charges $1 million per endorsement she does, will be teaching her daughter the value of working hard may seem surprising to some. But she's revealed before that her parenting techniques are quite strict, so we shouldn't be shocked.

Kim told Mail Online recently that she is a strict parent who sticks to set nap times.

"I am a strict mother," she said.

"I’m really fun and playful, but I’m really strict on nap time, and sleeping in her own crib.

"Like Kourtney’s style is where her kids sleep in bed with her, so especially with the third baby coming – they’re going to need a bigger bed or they’re going to need some other rules. And maybe on weekends, [North will] come and sleep in the bed with us. But … I’m not crazy strict."

What do you think of Kim's comments? Do you agree with her? Are you surprised? 

Click through our gallery below for photos of North West. 

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