
Victoria Beckham and Nicole Kidman have two of Hollywood's strongest marriages. They just traded their secrets.

When it comes to famous women, you don't get much more iconic than Australia's Nicole Kidman and the UK's Victoria Beckham. 

They're both titans of their industries, style muses, cultural icons and one-half of two of the most enduring marriages in Hollywood. Naturally, these women would have A LOT to talk about and thanks to Vogue Australia, they were brought together to have a good ol' gas bag over Zoom about a range of topics. 

It truly was the epitome of when two queens come together to maximise their joint slay. We are not worthy. 

Nicole was meant to be playing the interviewer part, but she had plenty of insights to offer too. 

"I feel like you would be a very good therapist," Victoria tells Nicole at one stage. "I wouldn't be!" Nicole replies. "I'd be like help me! I need help." Relatable.

Nicky and Vicky covered all sorts of areas, from Beckham's success in business to parenting, but one moment in the interview which stood out was when they swapped stories about how to maintain a happy marriage. 

David Beckham, Nicole Kidman and Victoria Beckham in 2019. Image: Getty. 


"We actually just celebrated our 25 years anniversary. Can you believe it?" Victoria gleamed when talking about her marriage to football legend, David Beckham, who she got hitched to in 1999. 

"We're 18 years," Nicole added, referring to her love story with country singer, Keith Urban, which culminated in their 2006 wedding. 

In case you watched Netflix's Beckham and were wondering if the couple were genuinely still in love, Victoria is ready to put any doubts to bed. 

"I have a husband I very much am still in love with, possibly more than when we first met. We really laugh. And we really support each other in regards to our careers and passions," she shared. 

"I said to him last night—and the kids—after 25 years, I love your dad so much and I support him and continue to want him to be the best version of himself, and he does that for me. And it's really important that the children see that... Me and David can go away, just the two of us, and we laugh and we enjoy that time, and I think that's so rare after so many years. It’s a pinch-me moment every day." 


Nicole echoed the Spice Girls' sentiments, admitting that Keith keeps her grounded in an industry that can destabilise people. "I'm so lucky that I found it. It's such an unstable industry and he's my solace. Every day we get up in the morning and we go for a walk—and we hold hands. We love holding hands," the actress said. 

The Big Little Lies star went on to share some advice she was given that applied to her 18-year marriage with Keith. 

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban at the Critics' Choice Movie Awards in 2011. Image: Getty.


"The greatest advice I was given was there's the individual—so there's the me and the you—and there's the we," she said. "No one else has what you two create, or what Keith and I create, any married couple who are partners, any people who have chosen to be in a relationship together, we create this, so we decide what this is. If you really like the person—really love them, but really like them, too, god it helps."

This was something that resonated with Victoria. "Isn't it great that someone supports us and lets us do what we love?" she said before adding her takeaways from two decades of marriage. 

"I think it's about respecting each other. It's not always easy, and I think if you can find someone you can grow with, then I think you've been very blessed," Victoria said. 

"We all change when we get older and the ultimate goal is to find someone we can grow with. I remember being in relationships when I was younger and saying, 'You've changed.' Well, of course you've changed as you get older! That's what happens. How great if you can find your soulmate who changes and evolves and grows older with you. I feel very lucky."


Nicole added that compromising was another pillar of a successful marriage. "Compromise as well. A lot. It's always trial and error, and sometimes it's imbalanced and then it gets back in balance…We don't gloat about it," she said.

"People always ask, 'What's your marriage advice?' We don’t have any! Everyone does their own thing and creates it. I’m not some relationship guru. I'm just trying to find my own way." 

Listen to The Spill's host run through all the celebs who hate Tom Cruise. Post continues after podcast.

For Nicole, compromise can mean accepting moments of feeling "emotions of fear and insecurity" in the relationship.

"You don't have to push them down or deny them. They can be there, but you can work through them. That's what I say to my daughters: there’s a lot going on behind closed doors. But you've got to always go, am I able to push through the discomfort? Because the expectation of everything being wonderful all the time—it just doesn't exist. There will be many things that happen in a journey together and it's beautiful and that is okay." 

Ultimately, Victoria values one feeling above all in a marriage: to feel content. "I think that's the ultimate goal," she tells Nicole. "To feel content, have energy, to be ambitious, but feel content and appreciate what you have at the same time." 

Victoria and Nicole also connected about finding themselves in similar life stages: their kids are getting older and they're adjusting to a new normal. 


David and Victoria Beckham with their kids and their partners at the Netflix Beckham premiere. Image: Getty. 

"We didn't have much of a social life when the children were younger, that is just that one thing too much," Victoria admitted.

"Being a wife, mum and fulfilling your dreams in regards to what your passions are, and what you love to do in regards to work, was enough. But then the kids get older and they flee the nest and have their own passions. Now myself and David are in the next chapter."


Nicole had a similar feeling of being ready to start opening doors that were previously shut. "We're in the same boat as you, we put so much into the family and a lot of our social life didn’t exist, and now we need to make new friends, get out more, say yes," she said. 

"When you're raising kids, [you say] 'I can’t actually go to that', or you're sick and cancelling, or you've got to work, and the one thing that's going to fall is going out and creating new groups of friends. Now we're older—so we're going, okay, we as a couple have to find our next step in the world." 

Earlier in the chat, the two gals joked about meeting up for a karaoke night out. 

"I remember I DMed you thinking that it would be so fun for us girls to go out for a night in Nashville," Victoria recalled. 

"A raincheck on that, you'll have to come back. I want to do an open mic with you. That would be fun, come on!"

We're expecting this new phase of life to include these two couples going on plenty of double dates. DJ David probably already has 'Islands in the Stream' ready to go. 

Read the full interview on Vogue Australia here.

Feature image: Getty. 

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