
A mum made a 'good luck' cake for her son. She didn't notice her big NSFW mistake.

Let’s be honest, we’ve all tried our best to make a cake with a beautiful message on it.

But for most of us, that stringy icing doesn’t exactly go onto the cake as we’d like it too.

For some it might look like is says “Happj Birthray” instead of “Happy Birthday”, but for this unlucky mum, her spelling mistake was very inappropriate.

It’s a word you really shouldn’t say out loud.

You see, a friend of the unlucky mum proudly posted a photo of a birthday cake on Reddit with the caption “A friend made a cake for her son last week.”

Naturally, the people of Reddit read between the lines.

And instead of saying “Good luck @ Uni” the cake really looks like… this.

Naturally, Reddit users read between the lines.

 "What sort of person calls their son a c*nt?" wrote one.
"One who's delighted to see the little sh*t finally leave after eighteen long years," responded another.
The jokes are endless, hopefully next time this mum leaves the cake writing to... the professionals.

What hilarious cake fails have you made? Tell us in the comments! 

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Top Comments

najafa 6 years ago

T HA T c-word is still too acceptable In a bunch of countries, the uk and what all. ladyfolk in those lands need to put a stop to it!

Alhambra 6 years ago

Why are you so bothered that a word means something else entirely in another version of English?
Isn't it about time Americans stopped with this obnoxious cultural hegemony and realised that the world doesn't actually revolve around them?

najafa 6 years ago

but the word DOESN'T really mean 'something else'. it is based on the german word for a lady's stuff. that is what they are calling somebody when they use it. I know saying somebody is a 'pu..y' is bad too, but the k, or rather c word sounds way worse.

Alhambra 6 years ago

Lots of words change their meanings, sometimes subtly, sometimes drastically. You are relying on the American usage where it is a noun, and used as a term of abuse to women.
In the UK and more so in Australasia it is used primarily as an adjective or an intensifier - "he's a bit of a c*nt when he's pissed", "Jim's a funny old c*nt sometimes". It can even be affectionate, but what should be obvious is that "c*nt" is mostly used in reference to men.
And you're still projecting your American attitude as if it were some global standard - if you still think it means what you've been brought up to think it means [in your country] then it's about time you took a vacation from your insular little shell.

juzz_sayin 6 years ago

Every time I see this pic pop up again, I laugh harder than the time before. Can you imagine the poor mother's horror as it was pointed out/dawned on her? A cake the little @unt will NEVER forget. LMAO!!