
Louise underwent a "mummy makeover" boob job and tummy tuck. 17 days later she was dead.

Louise Harvey, 36, had been self conscious ever since the birth of her third child six years ago.

The UK beautician and mum-of-three booked and underwent a tummy tuck and boob job with a plastic surgery firm that advertises during hit reality show Love Island.

Despite a family history of blood clots in her GP notes, Louise was allegedly sent home two nights after her $19,500 operation in June without any blood thinners.

A little over two weeks later, she collapsed.

Louise was taken to hospital where according to an inquest, she died of a pulmonary embolism – a clot in the arteries that supply blood to the lungs.

Her mother Linda, 52, told The Sun her daughter believed the operation was safe, despite a family history of pulmonary embolisms.

“[The firm] told her that having both procedures together would be better because she would not have to go through two lots of healing.

“They said she wouldn’t have to pay twice for the anaesthetist and the stay in the room, even the trips down there.”

Linda said her daughter had become self-conscious after giving birth to her six-year-old. She had lost weight, but wanted to “get rid of loose skin”.

Louise, who was mum to an 18-year-old daughter and two sons aged 11 and six, had no health issues and was “as fit as a flea” Linda said.

Linda said her grandmother died of a pulmonary embolism when she was 55 and Louise’s sister also had a history of them.

She claimed Louise was not given blood thinners, despite this background, and is “deeply worried” her daughter did not receive the right care.

England’s NHS chief Simon Stevens criticised TV network ITV in July for allowing cosmetic surgery ads to be broadcast during popular shows like Love Island because they played into a set of pressures around body image, the Daily Telegraph reported.

A 2015 study found that “mummy makeover” – a post-pregnancy procedure often combining a boob job and tummy tuck – was the fifth most searched plastic surgery procedure in Australia.

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