Welcome to the latest instalment of our Mum vs Life series. Each week we’ll feature a prominent Aussie mum and take you through her day.
This week we feature the lovely Sophie Falkiner, a TV presenter, model and mum of two – Isabella, 8, and Jack, 4.
Run us through your typical day?
There is no such thing as a “typical” day for me. Work changes from day to day, some days I could be doing a TVC, Mcing an event, charity work, morning TV or a photo shoot. Other days, I’m doing school drop offs, and pick ups, doing extra curricular activities with the kids, housework, groceries, play dates, pilates, cooking and helping with homework.
What are the challenges you face?
Not getting “Mother’s guilt” when I have a particularly busy week with work. I worry when the balancing act leans towards one side much more than the other. Having enough quality time with my husband is another. We are often both so tired going on a “date night” doesn’t seem as appealing as an early night. However, once we have gone out we are always so glad we did! I find putting the phone away, and not checking work emails, texts and social media when I’m with the family, hard sometimes especially when you get persistent calls. Also, learning that saying “no” to extended family and friends is okay sometimes. That it’s not the end of the world to prioritise your own family and have days where you do nothing but hang out at home.
What is your favourite time of the day?
For my son, first thing in the morning when he quietly gets into bed with me, and has morning cuddles and tells me, “I love you Mamma”. So sweet! For my husband when he walks in the door after work, or time away, and I realise how blessed I am to have him in my life. With my daughter, it’s my bedtime, when my husband and I get a different creative, picture, phrase, poem or drawing on our pillow every night from her. She is very creative, and some of her pictures are laugh out loud, while others bring a tear to my eye. Bella is a creative, loving little soul.