Welcome to the latest installment of our brand new series Mum vs Life. Each week we’ll feature a prominent Aussie mum and take you through her day.
This week we talk to Suze DeMarchi, lead singer of the Baby Animals.
WAKE UP: "All mums of boys have woken to the sounds of Minecraft..."
I usually get woken up by the sounds of my son Lorenzo tapping away on a Minecraft game right outside my bedroom door. That or the snoring of my beagle Rocco hogging the bed beside me as usual.
Generally I check my phone before I roll out of bed to see if there are any exciting messages or emails that will shape my day. Turn on the kettle and do a bit of mindless surfing on the world wide inter web…
The kids usually wander in bleary eyed with an array of excuses as to why they shouldn’t go to school.
BREAKFAST: "The kids generally get their own brekky..."
This changes from day to day but my current favourite is a smoothie I make with frozen organic blueberries, powdered protein, half an avocado, yogurt and coconut water. It’s delicious and makes me feel as if at least I’m starting my day on a good note.
The kids generally get their own brekky but often I will throw some toast and veggie with avocado on for them.
BATH vs SHOWER: "I don't like wasting too much time getting ready..."