
Hero, Shocker and Whinger of the week.


Welcome to Mamamia Rogue’s Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the Week.

You guys know the deal, but if not here’s a bit of a refresher: Each week, we pick the biggest Shocker, Hero and Whinger from the last seven days. Shocker is whatever moment or person left our jaws on the floor. Hero is whoever won the week by being flat out amazing. And whinger? Well, that’s pretty much just someone who has had a major sooky-la-la moment.

So, let’s get to it.


Hero of the Week goes to…

The cat who saved us from having to listen to another crappy ukelele solo on Youtube.

He did the only thing he could do – hurled himself at the camera:




Shocker of the Week goes to…

The Canadian man who drank an entire cup of McDonald’s coffee, BEFORE REALISING THERE WAS A DEAD MOUSE IN THE BOTTOM OF THE CUP.


Ron Morais told CBC News that he found this in the bottom of his coffee cup:


“I always take the lid off to take my last gulp of coffee,” he said. “And when I took the lid off there was a little bit of a surprise in my coffee cup.”

McDonald’s Canada issued a statement about how seriously they take food hygiene. They also said they found no evidence of a pest problem in that store and would like to test the mouse that Ron found in his cup.

So, basically, McDonald’s would like you to know that this is all ALLEGEDLY.

Ron doesn’t seem to want anything from them though, optimistically telling the local news:

“Hey, I’m here. And I’m in better shape than the mouse.”

True that, Ron.


Whinger of the Week goes to…

Anybody who says those last few pistachios are too hard to open. (You know the ones – they’ve barely got an opening so you can’t get your nail in there to pry out the pistachio nut goodness?)

Well, people who can’t open those are CHUMPS.

There is a fail-safe way to open almost-closed pistachios. And it’s in this video with the not-at-all-convoluted title “How to easily open your remaining hard to open pistachio nuts”:


The world will never be the same.


Well, those are our picks. Who’s your Hero, Shocker and Whinger of the Week?







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Rogue is Mamamia’s space for fun, viral and random content, with everything from feminism to pop culture. We scour the internet so you don’t have to, and bring all the best bits back.


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Top Comments

Johanna Kidd 10 years ago

OMG Its a mouse! Ick!

JanieBabes 10 years ago

OMG love that cat lolz