Usually we judge the children by what we think of the parents.
They’re a nice family. I bet he’s a nice boy too.
We make assumptions about what the kids will be like by forming our views on their family.
That mum is a bit pushy. I am sure the daughter is highly strung.
Have you seen how the father acts? Imagine what the twins are like…
Oh, we all claim not to, but come on, judging is human nature. We all do it.
But, I did the opposite.
I judged a mother by what I thought of her daughter. And it turns out, I was wrong.
I am used to boys. Boys I do well. Some types of girls - except my own daughter - not so well.
And there is one girl that I simply didn’t do well at all.
She is at school with my son. A girl with one of those personalities.
A rule enforcer.
"Your son was late in from recess today," she would inform me in the playground.
"And he got in trouble for talking in class."
"Your son pushed in the line," she would announce as I said goodbye at drop off.
"Your son forgot his show and tell."
But it wasn't just him she was intend on dobbing on informing me about.