I am endlessly scraping, scrubbing and sweeping dried food off the floor. I clean the poo stains off my new dress. I used to have a job where I led and managed a team. But now I wash and I wash and I wash; sheets, towels, bottles, bottoms.
No one tells you about this before you become a mother. That it is exhausting.
Watch: How the Horoscopes home school their kids. Post continues below.
No one tells you that it is boring, mind-numbingly boring, being home with children. That it is relentless. That you’ll long to send them to childcare.
For another woman to hold your beautiful son, to comfort him when he’s sad, to feed him lunch and pat him to sleep. Because you feel like you are going insane.
This isn’t necessarily depression. It is reality. The reality of being at home with small children is work. Hard work. Emotionally and physically. No one will tell you that. They’ll say, ‘they are only young once’ and ‘it just goes so fast’.
But they are forgetting all that washing.
Before I became a mother, while waiting at a doctor’s surgery, I once watched a lovely little girl desperately trying to get the attention of her mother who was fixed on her phone. Later, I described this scene to others remarking on the outrageousness of this mother’s behaviour.
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