
The 30 names that have the most success on dating apps.

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Turns out it’s not your photos that determine your success on dating apps (yes, the ones you’ve got “carefully organised” into a secret folder on your phone) — your name could could be having an impact too.

US dating app The Grade looked at 100,000 of its users to determine the “incoming like-rate” (read: swiped-right frequency) of names to determine the names that tend to be the most successful on dating apps.

Ranking 200 names in total, the results are interesting to say the least. Deed poll, anyone?


The Briannas of the world are about to feel seriously vindicated.

The name topped the list with a 70 per cent success rate, closely followed by Erika, Lexi and Brooke.


All of the top 15 names had a success rate of well over 50 per cent, with a large majority of the following 62 names sitting in the high 40 per cent range.

However it's bad news for any Meghans or Tiffanys — these were the two lowest ranked names at 30 per cent and 28 per cent respectively. 

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Don't despair - even the lowest-ranked female name had a better success rate than the top scoring male, proving we're probably a little more discerning and conservative with our swipes.


It's a victory for Bretts everywhere, taking out the male name most likely to get you swiped right with a, well, not overly impressive 24 per cent success rate. The rest of the top 15 followed closely behind, with Andy, Shane, Rob and Greg all making the cut.


The same can't quite be said for Garys, Jimmys, Victors and Joels, who each scored five per cent or less.

Results aside, the concept behind the data collector, The Grade, is also rather interesting.

The Tinder-style dating app actually ranks users on their behaviour on the app, distinguished by a grade. So "bad behaviour", like sending dick pics or using it when you're in a relationship, will get you low grades and once you're branded with an 'F'? You're out. Permanently. (Post continues after gallery.)

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Back to the data, it's worth noting there is a distinct similarity between the names in the top 30.

As Mic pointed out, unfortunately they're doesn't seem to be much multicultural representation — a number of the names correlate with the list of the most common white names in the US, but none with black or Latino names.

Regardless of how your name fared in this research, it's important to remember that a name is just a name — banter, personality and of course your connection infinitely counts for more.

How did your name stack up?

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