It’s easy to write off toddler behaviour as unique but the fact of the matter is that toddlers are just like adults, only smaller. The only difference between them and us is that they get away with it!
As the mother of three young children, I often look at them and think, “yep, I get you. I feel exactly the same”. But it’s just not socially appropriate for me to sit down in the middle of the supermarket and take off my pants because “I just don’t want to wear pants anymore today”.
Here are some of the ways that toddlers are just mini adults…
They get hangry.
For those who may not be familiar with the concept of being ‘hangry’, it’s when your hunger causes you to get angry. Hungry + anger = hangry.
But I get it. When all you can think about is your stomach rumbling, it can get downright frustrating to let other things get in the way of sourcing some chow.
For me, it might be annoying chit chat with Barry from accounts on my way to the kitchen (For goodness sake, Barry I don’t give a damn about your bunions. Move outta my way!!). For toddlers it might be the way mum insists on changing their nappy before she brings out cheese and fruit (hanger waits for no one, lady!).