If I told you that, as a twenty-something, ready to embark on your career, you have the potential to set yourself up financially for life, would you believe me? If I told you this was possible by following a few simple but powerful steps in managing, spending and investing your cash flow, would you believe me?
Certainly, if I told you about the power of compounding interest, your ears would prick up. We’ve all heard about interest. It’s one of the key elements in transforming your financial future into something amazing.
In my YouTube video, “Investing for Students”, I show you how starting to invest with as little as $1,000, plus a $30 per-week contribution, can eventually compound into a $1,400,000+ investment portfolio.
Of course, in this video I have made some assumptions, but not unrealistic ones. I have assumed that you buy and hold the investments; reinvest all dividends; and receive a long-term return of 8% p.a. (the Australian ASX All Ordinaries Index has returned 10.8% p.a. over the last 30 years).