
WATCH: Milla is a little boy with a story you won't forget.

Milla is a boy from Brisbane.

In many ways Milla is a regular, healthy kid. He likes basketball, goofing around with his mates and teasing his sister.

But Milla has struggled since childhood to be allowed to be himself.

His parents have made a simply stunning video about his life that is going viral across the world. His mother Renee Fabish wrote on her Facebook page:

“Hello my friends and family… I’d love you to watch this slideshow I put together… It explains some major changes that are underway for Milla and our family… Milla needs our support now more than ever!!”

This is Milla’s story – but it’s also the story of his parents’ powerful and enduring love for their son.

Australia is right there behind you, Milla! We are so proud of you and can’t wait to hear about the amazing things you’re going to do with your life.


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Top Comments

Panasonic 123 10 years ago

They are not courageous, they let their child live to their authentic self. I do too. A courageous parent is one watching a sick child battle illness etc. their child is healthy.

Al 10 years ago

What a fantastic, strong and beautiful boy with incredible, loving parents. I support you all the way!