
HOLLY WAINWRIGHT: 'A very honest guide to working with midlife women.'

Thanks to our brand partner, Dove

No, we don't have scales under our clothes.

Yes, we are — sometimes — a little short-tempered.

Yes, we understand the Internet.

No, we don't understand why it's not okay to say "LOL" out loud.

Yes, we are wise and experienced and unflappable.

And yes, we are quite tired.

This is your helpful guide to working with, for and around grown-up women, as I like to call everyone over 40. And if you do, or if you are one of those women, you are lucky, lucky ducks. Because we are excellent, if I say so myself.

The thing is. We are excellent, but we are also going through some stuff. I know, isn't everyone? But one of the factors that makes working through the peri and menopause years particularly hard is that a) It goes on for a long time, often literally years and b) It's still difficult to talk about, despite our very best efforts, Generation X has not yet made being menopausal cool. We're still working on it.

Our partners on the latest season of Mamamia's MID podcast, Dove, commissioned research into this area with Menopause Friendly Australia, and the results are sobering.

Dove's Menopause Insights (DMI) indicate that 56 per cent of women between 35 and 60 had experienced stress and anxiety in the past few months. Forty-five per cent said they felt they weren't performing their best at work. The results were similarly high for feeling burnt out, struggling with self-esteem and 38 per cent of women said they wouldn't feel comfortable talking about their symptoms at work.

That might all paint a grim picture of how midlife women are feeling in the workplace, but let me tell you, as we know at MID and at Dove, these are very movable stats. The more comfortable and confident grown-up women are encouraged to feel at work, the more comfortable and confident we actually are.

So, here are a few more truths working midlife women know to be true.

1. We are unflappable.

At least, in the office, on the shop floor, in the classroom. Experience has made us wise, and allergic to chaos. Different story at home, perhaps.

2. We are not sick, or broken.

We're just evolving. The symptoms of perimenopause and menopause are normal parts of life. We are a professional, hard-working cohort, but that doesn't mean we don't need a little understanding. If we look a little flustered, please do not ask loudly "Are you having a hot flush, darl?" Please, don't do that.

3. We're focused.

We've seen it all before, the politics, the drama, the revolving chairs. It won't faze us. Come and have a whinge over a kitchen cup of tea and hear us say, 'change is the only constant, friend,' with a smug look on our faces.

4. We soldier on.

And we might need to be better at taking a break. Fifty-five per cent of us thought about quitting, or taking time off to deal with the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause at particularly challenging times. We didn't all do it.

5. Put us in charge of the Friday (sorry, Thursday) afternoon playlist and it will be non-stop bangers 'til 5pm.

At which point we will go home to take our bras off.

6. We're adaptable as hell.

Some of worked BEFORE THE INTERNET. Do you understand how far we've come? How much change we've seen. It's like we were around when the electric lightbulb was invented(but no, we're not that old).

7. We're still incredibly capable.

More so than most, you could say. Our self-esteem may have taken a dip but we are absolutely worthy of consideration for that promotion. Many of us are leaning into careers, super-charged by reduced caring responsibilities, and have a renewed hunger to push ourselves. Trust us to do that.

8. We got the memo about the height our socks are meant to be.

We just don't care.

9. We are not the Office Mum.

No, the fact that we might actually be someone's mum does not make us any better at doing the whip-round for Joanna's leaving pressie, Karla.

10. Perspective is our super-power.

Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? Is this a Me Problem or a You Problem? Ask us, we know.

11. Flexibility isn't just for new mums.

Women struggling with perimenopause or menopause symptoms would love the option to work from home on days when symptoms really flare, some time to get to medical appointments, and no judgement on taking leave we've earned. Thanks.

12. We'd really like you to turn that air-con up, please.

Just a teeny tiny bit.

Explore Dove's dedicated menopause website for tips and resources to help you to better manage menopause at work.

Upgrade to Dove Advanced Care 72h Protection deodorant to feel comfortable and confident during those menopause moments of need.

Feature Image: Supplied.

Dove is committed to supporting women’s self-esteem and helping them feel self-assured at every stage of life, including during menopause. To achieve this, we have launched a dedicated site, in partnership with Menopause Friendly Australia, where you will find expert information and practical resources about how to start the conversation at work and support menopause policy changes. Learn more at

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