

Do you see the world as symmetrical? Is everything balanced and ordered? Ying and Yang.  This video by Everynone looks at our need for balance and reveals beautifully imperfect matches.  I was mesmerised.

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Top Comments

TaraCate 13 years ago

Oh what a mix. I loved done of the matches, night and say shots, ppl shots etc but I found some really disturbing and distressing- the needle flick, the cop and robber, the guns, the cow, Marilyn Munro. It is an accurate portrayal of life but I found it pretty depressing unfortunately

Denyse 13 years ago

Thanks for showing that Mia.
I found it confronting. Interesting. Thought-provoking. True. Sad.
Reminded me of the so-called "life flashed before eyes as you are drowning" ...
I've shared it on FB too.
I would LOVE to know how you find these guessing you do have the MM team of sleuths & many, many media contacts. D. XX
My pic is of two (Male & Female) separated by years (60) but both needing help to with a stick, the other a baby toy stroller