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I remember those early weeks when I had my baby.
The long sleepless nights trying to settle a crying baby, my breasts milk engorged to the point where I looked like I was auditioning for a role on Baywatch, but ended up landing one on Babywatch instead.
I once answered the door to a guy delivering a package with both my boobs out. He looked at me and said ‘you just have to sign’. I breast fed him anyway. His hair grew back and now he’s manager of the local post office. You see breast really is best.
Top Comments
This is a really confusing article. What is it trying to achieve? To tell us being a new mother is challenging (kind of obvious, no?). To suggest Meghan Markle is going to suffer even more in the pursuit of mummy martyrdom on account of who she is?
I assume it's meant to be a humorous "oh, she's one of us" story about a woman that won't have to go back to work immediately, is worth millions in a family worth billions and therefore has no concerns about having to work or afford anything, will have at least one nanny and will have personal trainers and stylists. While she'll have an insane amount of attention that regular people won't have, she's also going to have a huge team of people making it as easy as possible.
To get people to click on to a story by pretending it’s about Meghan. Any way they can link her to a story, however tenuously, means more views. Nothing but clickbait. (And we fell for it, d’oh!)
Not me.
OK, I see a flaw in my reasoning now.
True - but she has to drive English cars now so it kinda' evens up