To catch up on all The Masked Singer Australia 2020 clues and gossip, visit our The Masked Singer hub page. We’ve got you completely covered.
Our furry (and... sparkly) Masked Singer mates were back last night, to sing catchy songs and bring a little joy to whatever the heck we're calling this year.
Last night we de-masked Goldfish as singer Christine Anu and OH YEAH, that perfectly fits all the Sydney Olympic clues.
Goldfish performed Bon Jovi's 'It's My Life' before being unmasked. Post continues below video.
We're starting to call exactly who the other contestants are (Hello, Kate Miller-Heidke), and last night we got a number of other clues for Queen/Frillneck/Dragonfly and Puppet. Let's recap.
We're two seconds into Dragonfly's clues package and we already KNOW this is Sophie Monk.
"This Dragonfly loves the country, but the blues are never far away," she says and hello, remember when Sophie performed at the Byron Bay Bluesfest with Kasey Chambers?