When traditional marriages first started appearing in the Middle Ages, the average life expectancy was 25-30 years. It’s now 84.4 and 80.5 for women and men respectively. That gives a whole new meaning to “till death do us part”!
Marriages in the Middle Ages were usually arranged to ensure that treaties between royal families, nobles and tribes were upheld. They were often strategic moves rather than anything involving love or romance – unless you were a peasant, in which case you had a little more say over whom you married.
Around this time it was decided that all marriages had to be held in a church so that records could be kept, and it had to be done in front of two witnesses (best man and maid-of-honour). This was to stop people running off later and dodging their responsibilities.
Top Comments
Marriage isn't compulsory in our modern times. If you don't want a life long marriage, don't get married. Move in together, live happily until you are over each other and then move on. Better yet, make up a new thing for those who don't like marriage and call it something else. You can still have a white dress and a big party, just sign a different document that has an expiry date. I'll sign up for Marriage and you can sign up for Temparriage.
Basically what you are saying is "I don't like mango smoothie, so from now on we have to put strawberry in our smoothie instead of mango and call it a mango smoothie." Lets have mango smoothies and strawberry smoothies.
I've always thought marriage was odd (including when I was in it). People come into our lives (or we attract them to us) to teach us various lessons and then they go again. I don't know if we're supposed to grab them and not let go of them again. In most cases that I see, people's development has gone backwards after being married a certain time, from the compromise involved. Of course, children probably have a lot to do with that. But children grow up and go off on their own wonderful journeys. I just wonder...
Great post Kyra. Perhaps things were different in previous generations but my girlfriends I would say about forty percent are cheating of have cheated. No doubt many or most men are doing the same thing. Marriage for life is bullshit.