Of all the things people are afraid will happen to them when flying on planes, the most common are probably:
1) Falling out of the sky, crashing into the ground and dying an awful death
2) Sitting next to a screaming baby.
This guy got stuck with option number two. And you can tell by the way he referred to the kid as a ‘screaming hell demon‘ that he isn’t thrilled about it.
But, let’s be honest: you can’t watch this 30-second video without wincing. You can actually feel his pain (although what the parents are going through is probably worse).
We’ve all been there, buddy. We’ve all been there.
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Top Comments
Arrogant man. Does he think he's the only person entitled to fly?
If an adult was sitting their crying in pain we would all be rushing
there to see if they were ok wouldn't we? At least Id hope there was
some compassion. I might be missing something but none of us know
exactly how long the child was crying for whether it was during take off
or landing and the poor little things ears were hurting it or something
else that was causing the pain cry? or any other multitude of
contributing factors all I saw in the notes was that it was a 2 hour
delay. There is a reason why the sound of a baby's cry is distressing
for adults- its so its hopefully impossible to ignore as it needs an
adult to do something- seeing as we don't know all the details of the
situation Im just sitting here thinking it is what it is- it invoked a
motherly response in me to want to comfort but we aren't all programmed
to react the same way to these things. Unfortunately the natural
reaction is to become upset. Probably why its envoked such an emotional
response from everyone.
I think there are very good reasons why people may be more likely to respond to an adult crying than a baby.
1) Adults often travel alone; babies don't. Babies have a caregiver with them, who most people expect to take care of that child. If the baby needs help, their parent/caregiver is there to do that and to ask for assistance if they need it. An adult in distress or pain may well be alone and need someone else's help. If I saw an adult crying but their spouse or someone else appeared to be attending to them, then I'd ignore that the same way I'd ignore a baby crying.
2) Babies cry all the damn time. Perhaps parents can identify a cry of pain from a cry of fussiness or hunger or being hot or whatever but I can't. It's all just crying to me. I can't ask the baby what he wants, because he can't answer me. I can ask an adult though and may actually be able to help.
Sorry I dont think I explained myself very well- probably poor choice of words. My point was its distressing to hear anyone cry but babies in particular have a cry that genetically is not supposed to be ignored making it for lack of a better word in the "irritating" sound spectrum. It makes noone comfortable and everyone reacts differently- No one likes hearing crying. If it was a pain cry (and it sounds like that too me because its loud,constant and urgent) there is probably very little anyone- including the parents could do in that moment- plus a baby can't tell you exactly whats wrong. You dont have to like the sound of it and noones asking you to be comfortable with hearing it but like you would if an adult was in pain and upset a little compassion towards the situation might go along way. Anytime your in a situation where you can't escape from something annoying you whether it be someone listening to their music too loud on public transport right through to a crying baby how we react in the situation determines how we cope with it. If you let yourself get angry its really not helping anyone -mostly yourself. Not in anyway say you yourself do however of course :-)