
If this man had waited at the bus stop seconds longer, this video would have a very different ending.

You might call it ‘fate’…

Sometimes, life works in mysterious ways.

For example, when you’re standing at a bus stop, you decide to leave, and SECONDS later a car crashes into the place you were standing.

This actually happened to a man from Dalston, East London — and the escape was captured on camera.

The suited man arrives at the bus stop, takes his time perusing the timetable, and walks off (presumably to buy himself a lottery ticket) before a Range Rover ploughs through the very same spot.

A cyclist who witnessed the incident told British news source The Evening Standard it was all a matter of 30 seconds.

“Two cars were driving side by side, one completely lost control and smashed into a lamppost,” the cyclist said.

“[The] car swerved across the street. Was on my bike, would have been brown bread if I was 30 seconds earlier!

“Craziest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Fortunately, police have confirmed no one was injured in the crash.

Have you ever had a brush with death? 

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