
The fascinating theory why Malcolm Turnbull wore an orange tie to his resignation speech.


If you slept in today you might not yet know that Malcolm Turnbull is no longer our PM.

There were many great things about Australia’s former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, but he was especially well known for one of his greatest sartorial asserts, his choice in ties.

It’s therefore no coincidence that the former PM wore a bright orange tie during his resignation speech.

According to Twitter user @ColinTucker the tie has a special meaning.

“Interesting and somewhat poignant that @turnbullmalcolm wore an orange tie today: “Unofficially ‘hunter orange’ is a shade of bright orange used to keep hunters from mistaking you for prey.'” he wrote in the tweet.

Basically, Malcolm doesn’t want you to feel sorry for him. He’s okay. He is not the prey.

Of course, Turnbull isn’t the first to use colour as a badass statement in a political speech.

When Hillary Clinton didn’t win the US election in 2016, she congratulated Donald Trump in suffragette purple.

Keep up the great ties Malcolm, ScoMo has huge sartorial shoes to fill.