If there's one thing we know when it comes to makeup, it's that you should always, always, ALWAYS do what makes you feel your cute, sparkly best. Mmmkay?
Never feel like you can't rock a smoky eye AND a bold lip, or that you absolutely *have* to wear primer under your foundation, just 'cause everyone said so. If you like it, go for it, we say.
However! If you've always wanted to know the makeup rules the pros stick to day in and day out, well, hang around. Because no one knows how to put together a flawless makeup base quite like a pro MUA, right?
Watch: We ask a makeup artist how to get rid of under eye bags. Post continues below.
From face mapping and looking well-rested to selecting the right foundation shade, we asked a few of Australia's leading makeup artists to tell us their insider secrets so that you can take your makeup game to the next level.
Ya welcome, folks.