The concept of “equality” in a marriage just isn’t real.
Here is the one thing I can tell you that I know about marriage for certain: It is rarely, if ever, truly fair.
And trying to make it fair is just going to make it fail.
This is something I have known from being married 15 years now, albeit those are a combination of years from two different marriages. And when I read this article from a psychologist who studied 1,000 successful marriages between couples who had endured and flourished through many, many decades of matrimony, I became even more convinced that the concept of “equality” in a marriage just isn’t real.
And here’s why:
1. You can’t be married and always put yourself first.
Articles in Time, CNN and even Forbes Magazine over the last few years discuss the trend in the Millennial generation to delay marriage or reject it entirely for relationships that are less binding and more exploratory. The concept of The Beta Marriage seems tongue in cheek, and yet it is rooted in the attitudes of a generation that has been taught to think for themselves, to please themselves, to seek out what makes them satisfied. These are not bad things; they are the things I want for my own children. But they ARE attitudes that, unless tempered, are difficult to maintain in the bond of marriage. She wants to go bass fishing. You want to go antiquing. One of you is going to have to give up where you want to go, or you each go alone. And alone, in a marriage, can be very, very lonely.