Now I’m not thrilled to use the phrase "late thirties" but unfortunately after a recent birthday this is the realm I find myself residing in.
I used to think people were exaggerating when they had to make a distinct ‘ouft’ noise getting up from their seat because of creaky joints, but since moving into this new age tick box, I now know that noise all too well.
Getting older and mild niggles go hand-in-hand. I put my back out brushing my teeth the other day, but lucky for us late thirties lot, it’s not all doom and gloom.
The answer is movement. Specifically, low-impact training that you can do easily at home (for free). And don’t fret, low impact doesn’t mean you’re 'copping out', or that it's equal to low-intensity exercise. It can be just as heart-pumping with those endorphin-boosting benefits — but kinder on your joints.
If your sore joints are holding you back from the activities you love, there are also options like Caltrate Joint Health to help you keep moving freely, and can improve joint mobility in as early as 30 days.
This new daily supplement contains UC-II® Collagen, a form of undenatured type II collagen — different to commonly known hydrolysed collagen, as it's made by a patented process that works with the body's natural processes to improve joint function and reduce joint discomfort.
Now, try these 5 exercises below in sequence together, and you'll find they make a pretty sweet workout.