
Mum discovers her 3-year-old son used to be a 30-year-old woman.

A woman in the US is convinced her 3-year-old son used to be a 30-year-old woman.

This is Luke. He’s three. But, if reports are to believed, he used to be a 30-year-old woman named Pam.


According to Fox8 Cleveland, it all started when Luke became fixated on the name Pam. He started calling toys Pam, and wouldn’t stop referring to Pam as if she was a woman that he knew.

Luke’s mother, Erika, also noticed that he was constantly referring to the time when he ‘used to be a girl’.

“He used to say, ‘when I was a girl I had black hair’ or ‘I used to have earrings like that when I was a girl,'” Erika told Fox8.

Finally, Luke’s mum demanded to know who Pam was, and his answer freaked her the frig out.

“He turned to me and said, ‘well, I was.'”

Luke then told his mother a detailed story about dying and going to heaven. He insisted that, as Pam, he had died in a burning building when he had to jump out of a tall window to escape the flames. Luke then said the building was in Chicago, and gave detailed descriptions of areas in that city he’s never been to.

Hoping it was all just the bizarre and creative imagination of a toddler, Erika did some research, to see if a women named Pam had died in a fire in Chicago.

She had.

IN 1993, a  30-year-old black woman named Pam Robinson had jumped from the window of a burning building in Chicago. The fall led to her death.

Erika asked Luke if he could remember what colour his skin was when he was Pam. Without skipping a beat, he replied, “Black.”

Still cynical, Erika then contacted a show called “A Ghost Is In My Child.” Clearly legit, they found a picture of Pam, and placed it with a bunch of other pictures of people Luke had never seen. They then asked him if he recognised anybody in the pictures, and he immediately pointed to the picture of Pam.



Erika eventually tracked down Pam’s family, and found even more similarities between them. Pam’s favourite singer was Stevie Wonder, Luke’s favourite singer is Stevie Wonder. Pam played the keyboard, Luke’s favourite toy is his toy keyboard.


But then, as quickly as he brought the whole thing up, Luke let it go. Apparently he just stopped talking about it.

“It’s like he got it all out, he was finished and he had nothing more to say about it,” Erika said.

So… that’s it. That’s the story of Luke. We present it without comment, except to say, whether real or not, it’s spooky as shit.

Here’s the original news report on Fox8 Cleveland:



So… Do you believe?

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Top Comments

Guest 8 years ago

I honestly believe the things that don't fit can be attributed to what is called multiple world theory. Meaning that he is right, but he was the father figure in an alternate timeline where the father existed and died. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. It accounts for everything that is true, and the small variations.

Kyra 8 years ago

I heard this story a while ago. Love it. Children are so in tune but we lose it as we age.