Life as a parent to twins can be a logistical and emotional rollercoaster. There is the joy of double cuddles and double kisses, yet also the frustration of trying to get two little people fed, dressed and out of the house.
What a lot of non-twin parents don’t realise however, is that sometimes it’s not the twins causing the issues, it is everybody else. From negative comments at the post office, to over familiar baby-stroking in the supermarket queue; some people do not know when to keep their thoughts or hands to themselves.
Jess Nall, mum to nine-week-old twins Gracie and Harry as well as three-year old Spencer and five-year-old Evie, knows the pleasures and the pains of having twins and a big family only too well.
“The effort of getting myself and four kids to-and-from a 30-minute doctor’s appointment at 10am can take me all morning. There are nappies to change, toilet visits to deal with, I then load us and everything we need into the car before driving there to grab a close enough parking spot before unloading everything and everyone, all in the heat of summer!”
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It's not just parents of twins either. I have five children, all born in ten years. The number of 'don't you own a TV' or 'your husband is a Dr, you should know what causes this by now' is annoying enough, but add in that my fourth child has Noonan Syndrome and then it opens up a whole other line of questioning. 'Why would you have another baby when you already have a disabled one' is the one I hate the most. I'm now in my late 30's, but they were all born by my 32nd birthday, and I'm lucky enough to not look my age. So I also get the 'what, were you 12 when you had your first?' and 'so you were a teen mum huh?. Nice huh? But the ones that make me laugh the most is when I am in public with all five and I get the 'OMG, are they all yours?' and the classic 'are they all the same father'. UGH!
The moral of this long winded post is that people will always have something to say, and most of it is all negative. I have grown a much thicker skin in the past 14 years, and am happy to tell people to mind their own business or stay in their own lane. You do you, and I'll do me, and that's all that matters. Bless you mama, four beautiful and healthy children. XXXX
My twins had 3 older siblings so to get things done at the shops I would have them when small side by side in a pram so people didn't realise they were twins and I could get my shopping done. i too got continuous negative double trouble type comments but just chose to ignore them and not waste my energy on constant justification. Some days I didn't make it out of the car at the shopping centre as they were due for a feed and then it was school pick up time again but they are the absolute best present ever to all of us.