Lauren Matheson of Create Bake Make is this week’s winner of iBlog Friday with her post To My Big Boy. Congratulations Lauren! Your Tina Arena pack is in the mail.
Mothers Guilt…. We’ve all experienced it – in many cases it can even start before the baby has arrived! I simply love being a Mum to my two little boys, watching them growing up and helping them to discover their world is the most amazing and fulfilling job I have ever had. My Mother’s guilt is always lurking in the background though – I will feel guilty when frustrated about having to read Dear Zoo for the 15th time, when Liam has toast for lunch if it’s one of those days, for either spending too much time with one of them when the other also wants my attention, or wishing I could spend more quality time with them one on one.
I had been feeling particularly guilty lately for not spending as much ‘fun’ time with Liam as I used to. In between trying to get him to sleep in his own room through the night, our half hearted attempt at toilet training and the day to day trials of having a toddler and a baby it’s been tough. To try and ease my guilt, I decided we’d go along to Rhyme Time at our local Library, confident that Liam would enjoy himself and we would have a fun morning out together. This is a letter I wrote to him after our day.
Dear Liam,
I know this year has been hard on you. You didn’t understand why Mum couldn’t play with you as much when I pregnant with your little brother, or why I had to stay in hospital and leave you at home. After your brother was born, you barely saw us for the first four weeks as you were shipped around between different babysitters. Then this tiny little person came to live with us, someone you weren’t allowed to touch or play with, and were always being told to stay away from.