We’ve rounded up the headlines from across the world — so it’ll only take you a couple of minutes to catch up on the most important news around this afternoon.
1. Women’s funeral stopped because her family refused to “edit out” photos of her wife.
A minister of a church in Lakewood Colarado has stopped the funeral of 33-year-old Vanessa Collier because she is gay — and was pictured kissing her wife in a slideshow to be shown at the service.
Collier’s family and friends were outraged after Paster Ray Chavez told the family the pictures of Collier and her wife Christina Higley, who she raised two children with, needed to be removed during the service, according to Jezebel.
The family refused, and the funeral was cancelled just 15 minutes after it was scheduled to have begun.
Her loved ones said the move was ‘humiliating’ and ‘devastating’ after being forced to pick up the casket and shift to a mortuary across the street to bid her farewell in peace.
Pastor Ray Chavez, the man who cancelled the services, has refused to comment, according to the Daily Mail.
But Ms Higley posted a heartfelt message to Facebook expressing her despair over the incident.
“I’m not asking anyone to go against their own beliefs and religion. I only hoped we could find a house of God to celebrate my beautiful wife and her life (HER WHOLE LIFE) and lay her to rest in God’s arms. Is it too much to ask for?,” she wrote in the public Facebook post.
“How would Ray Chavez explain to them why our family photos were inappropriate for her services to be conducted in that house of God?”
2. Labor opposes Medicare cuts.
The Federal Opposition has confirmed it will try to block a cut to the Medicare rebate for short consultations. FromMonday, the rebate for appointments lasting less than 10 minutes will be cut from $37.05 to $16.95.