It’s Endometriosis Awareness Month and we need to end the silence, I’m one of the 1 in 10 women that suffer from this disease.
I suffered in silence for years…. knowing that something just wasn’t quite right but just continued on with life. I just accepted that my heavy periods, severe pain and fainting was just the norm for me when it was that time of the month.
Lucky for me it’s usually only every second month where the pain was unbearable – when it’s lefty’s turn. Yep, I’m a lefty – so when it’s lefty’s month, I would feel like I had Satan inside of me stabbing me with his pitchfork.
As the years went on, the gushing became heavier and the pain became more and more intense. The bloating and swelling became more and more noticeable and the dizzy spells and fainting became more frequent. It wasn’t until I had been wheeled out of my new workplace (in the CBD) on an ambulance bed during the lunch rush, that I realised that, shit just got real and I had to do something about it…ASAP!