Like thousands of other kids across Australia, my youngest son Leo starts his first year of primary school on Monday.
I will be highly emotional as I dress him in his crisp school uniform and take cute photos at the front door of little Leo dwarfed by his enormous school backpack and brimmed hat.
We will walk to school together with his big brother Toby who has just started in Year 6, and I will feel proud and a little nervous for him as I wave him off into his new classroom. Then I will go home alone, have a little cry, and relish the peace.
Watch: Kindergarten kids describe how they feel about their first day of school. Post continues below.
But aside from the sweet sadness that inevitably comes with becoming a 'kindergarten empty-nester', there are other big feelings I am grappling with this time around.
There is a sense of relief that at age 43 and after a long journey with fertility issues, I finally have both my boys at school. It’s hardly the finishing line of parenting, but there is something significant about this milestone and how it enables me to give more energy to the next stage of my working life.