
Kim Kardashian is naked and people are freaking out about it. Again.

Two things are certain in this world – one is that Kim Kardashian will post naked photos on social media (totally her right, by the way), and the other is that people will be on hand to freak out about it when she does.

Well, that day has come around once again, my friends.

Kim is naked (again) and people are freaking out about it (again).

Her latest brush with the breeze is courtesy of her new KKW BODY perfume.

Sharing photos across both her personal Instagram account and the KKW FRAGRANCE account, the 37-year-old explained she was the inspiration for the perfume bottle.

Of course she was.

“We took a mold of my body and made it a perfume bottle,” she captioned one of the photos.

And even though Kim took time out of her busy schedule to put a blur filter on her private bits, people are still in meltdown mode about it.

“What has the world come to?” read one comment.

“Haven’t we seen enough of u today omfg,” commented someone else.

LISTEN: Kim Kardashian got an email from her husband telling her to wear small sunnies. Post continues below. 

Others were just downright sarcastic about the whole thing.

“Wow you are really branching out,” wrote one person. “This isn’t like anything you have ever posted.”

“That’s gonna be a lot of perfume in one bottle,” commented another.

Some people just thought everybody needed to “chill tf out” though.

If you’re actually interested in the fragrance, and not just photos of Kim’s naked body, it’s set to be released on April 30.

We can’t wait to see what happens next time Kim decides to strip naked – because you know there will be a next time – although the response  will probably just be more of the same.

As you were, everyone.

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Top Comments

Jim S 6 years ago

Please enlighten me. Twenty-nine comments already before mine, and other articles are lucky to get one.
What is all the commotion over the Kardashians? Their only claim to fame is that, like Paris Hilton, they are ... just famous. For what?
People do great things in this world and get little recognition. She stars in a porn movie, and her whole family has a TV show about nothing.
I stand corrected - they have talent in making money from the poor saps who live their lives vicariously through watching their shows and buying their paraphernalia.

Guest 6 years ago

You see a lot more of her in her porn video that was "accidentally" leaked. Not sure why anyone would "freak out" about this latest stunt.