In the 1944 film Gaslight, a husband tries to convince his wife and those around her that she is insane.
To make her feel crazy, the man makes small changes to the environment, and when his wife notices them, he tells her she’s just seeing things. The title of the film stems from the scenes in which the gaslights in the couple’s home flicker, and when the woman reacts, her husband insists she’s delusional.
These subtle tactics ultimately cause the woman to doubt her own perception of reality, and question her sanity.
Today, I am the woman in the movie, and the gaslight is Kendall Jenner’s face. Let me explain.
According to Instagram, Kendall Jenner now looks like this:
Top Comments
i think it is frustrating. disclaimer she looks amazing, but its pretty annoying that she denies everything. the thing with kendall is for quite some time she has always subtly done everything, so that's why she's gotten away with it. recently its become quite jarring though especially when she smiles. and the girl got killer curves in the last year? who gets curves in their 20s lol? that is just not how puberty worked with my peers growing up. i just don't buy it. when you post the side by side photos you can tell she has had cheek fillers, lip fillers, eyebrow lift and a few nose jobs it seems. i think this is all fine in retrospect. she wanted to get into modeling world and i don't think she thought she had that striking model look, but she was able to afford these surgeries, so she did them and she got it made.
to answer your question though, i think it just isn't socially acceptable in the u.s. honestly and that's why they deny. I think they feel people will judge them and honestly those who do publicly admit do get a lot of shit for it. i dont think its meant to make the public look crazy. when i think of colombia or brazil they all openly talk about their surgeries like its nbd, but we haven't quite gotten there in the U.S. and im not sure if that's a good or bad thing honestly. i mean once kylie admitted to the lip fillers, everyone got them lol. will everyone get an eyebrow lift and cheek fillers once kendall admits to that?
i don't know if i would call this gaslighting persay? but i do think it is frustrating so i get what you mean. disclaimer she looks amazing, but its pretty annoying that she denies everything. the thing with kendall is for quite some time she has always subtly done everything, so that's why she's gotten away with it. when you compare her to kylie and kim, of course she looks "natural." recently its become quite jarring though like she really can't deny it anymore honestly especially when she smiles. and the girl got killer curves in the last year? again, i don't buy it. when you post the side by side photos you can tell she has had cheek fillers, lip fillers, eyebrow lift and a few nose jobs it seems. i do also in addition to the lip fillers, think she overlines her lips though, but anyway i think all these cosmetic procedures are all fine in retrospect. she wanted to get into modeling world and she was able to afford these things, so she did them and she got it made.