

Diana Casey and Carolyn Gooch are two women from different sides of the country who are about to put their physical and emotional strength to the test when they ride from Sydney to Brisbane in honour of Diana’s little girl Jessica. 

Jessica, who is now four-years-old, was born 10 weeks premature.  And while she still has battles to overcome, she is generally a happy and healthy little girl.  Jessica’s mum, Diana, is only too aware of how lucky she is and is doing this ride to raise awareness of not only the thousands of babies who are born premature in Australia each year, but also the families who have experienced the devastation of miscarriage, stillbirth and other pregnancy complications.

Diana (who lives in the Lockyer Valley) and Carolyn (who is based in Perth) will be starting their journey from Sydney on 10th September and plan to arrive in Brisbane on 23 September. 

Their 14-day journey will cover 1,000 km of country and coastline.  On some days, the ride will require them to cycle over 100km.  But for Diana and Carolyn, the daily exhaustion and muscle fatigue will be nothing compared to the heartbreak of pregnancy difficulties.  They are determined to raise money for the Perinatal Research Centre at RBWH to give all mothers the best chance of a worry-free pregnancy and birth.

They will be attending the Butterfly Ball on 24 September, the day after they complete the ride, where they will be presenting a cheque from their fundraising efforts to Professor Colditz for the internationally-recognised Brain Research Advances in Newborns (BRAIN) Project.>

If you would like to support Journey4Jessica and help prevent premature birth, miscarriage and stillbirth, please visit

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