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Everyone has an opinion about Jessa Duggar's newborn son's name.

Jessa Duggar Seewald and her husband Ben have finally revealed their newborn son’s name.

The couple posted a video announcing the name yesterday on their family website.

The pair have named their first child Spurgeon Elliot Seewald.

In the video, they explain the meaning behind their baby's unusual moniker.

The newborn is named after famous 19th century British preacher Charles Spurgeon.

“He had a big impact on our lives...His writings and his sermons and books are still around today, and they just continue to impact many, many people,” Ben said in the clip.

Little Spurgeon's middle name, Elliot, is a nod to missionaries Jim and Elisabeth Elliot. Jim Elliot died on the mission in South America.

The Seewalds also revealed that they had nicknamed their son Quincy since the moment they realised they were expecting.

In the video, Jessa spoke of her excitement at meeting her baby.

“We’ve been working on deciding on a name, and we finally figured it out,” she said.

"He's a precious little bundle of joy and we're so blessed to call him ours."

Spurgeon was born on November 5 after a long and "intense" home birth. While both mum and baby are now doing well, 23-year-old Jessa struggled through a tough two-day labour before being taken to hospital due to blood loss shortly after the birth.

Jessa and Ben, 20, recently spoke to People about the traumatic birth. "Labour is hard...It was very intense, very long. Everything was different than I expected," Jessa said.

She said that after 10 hours of contractions she nearly gave up her plan to have a natural home birth.

Check out the Seewald's name announcement in the clip below. Post continues after video:

"I said, 'That's it! I'm done! I am going to the hospital and I'm going to get an epidural...They asked me if I really wanted to do that and I said, 'No, I don't, but I do.' I wanted to try natural if at all possible," she explained.

"I had dreamed about those first moments, getting to breastfeed right away, all that. And so when I had to go to the hospital, it was a shock," Jessa continued.

Sure, it's an unusual name. But we like the fact that it clearly has a lot of meaning for the young couple - and we wish the little family all the best.

What do you think of the name?

TAP on the image below and scroll through the gallery to see more photos of the Duggar family...

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