
While on set for Mother!, Jennifer Lawrence sustained an injury we didn't know was possible.

No one can ever accuse Jennifer Lawrence of not being dedicated to her art after the actress shared that she suffered a bizarre injury on set of her new film.

While chatting with reporters at the UK premiere of Mother! the 27-year-old wanted to clear up rumours surrounding an injury she received, clarifying that it was entirely self-inflicted, the Daily Mail reports.

And that injury didn’t involve tripping over or falling props. Nope, Lawrence managed to hurt herself in a way we didn’t even know was possible.

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“I tore my diaphragm from hyperventilating,” she said. “People thought I was beaten up so want to clear it up that I did it to myself. It was my own doing.”

Yes, she tore a muscle from breathing too hard – which no doubt she was required to do a lot of while filming the horror movie.

Lawrence is no stranger to on-set accidents. She experienced a close call when she chose an inopportune time to scratch an itch on the set of one of the Hunger Games films and almost killed a sound guy.

“We were filming in Hawaii, and there were sacred rocks,” the actress told host Graham Norton while appearing on his show.

“You’re not supposed to sit on them.”

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But of course, the actress did, and took it a little bit further, dislodging one of the rocks in the process.

“I however, was in a wetsuit… Oh, my god, they were so good for butt itching,” Lawrence said.

“One rock… ended up coming loose. It was a giant boulder, it rolled down this mountain, and almost killed our sound guy.”

Luckily, he was out of the way before the boulder landed and survived to become part of a talk-show anecdote.

What is the oddest injury you’ve ever heard of?


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