
Janine Allis on reversing her husband’s vasectomy for a "midlife crisis baby".

Thanks to our brand partner, Real Ice Tea Co

At 39 years old, Janine Allis had what she called an “epiphany” to have another baby.

The Boost Juice founder and Shark Tank investor already had three children, Samuel, Oliver and Riley, with the youngest being about seven years old.

There was just one problem with her plan – her husband Jeff had already had a vasectomy.

Listen to Janine Allis talk about her “midlife crisis baby” on I Don’t Know How She Does It. 

As the director of the Hawthorn Football Club and working as part of a business group called YPO, Allis was constantly surrounded by men.

“I love it, I love hanging out with boys, men that never lose the spirit of the boy. But I found that I needed to nurture.” she says in the latest episode of I Don’t Know How She Does It of the moment her “kid-life crisis” hit.

“You read and hear things about children choosing their parents or whatever, but this epiphany was a tap on the shoulder.

“There was a little girl there saying ‘Sort it out, get me into this world, I’m coming in’. I know it sounds a little bit weird, but that’s how it felt.”

Fortunately her “poor husband” proved to be understanding and supportive about undergoing the reversal operation.

“He was amazing. In actual fact, I was in South Korea doing a deal and he was in Fiji and he’s a man of very few words,” says Allis.

“I emailed him from South Korea and said ‘I want another baby’. That’s all I said, after not even mentioning it for 10 years and he replied, ‘Sure’.”

Within a few minutes, she’d already booked him in for the operation.

“It was a very interesting conversation when I returned to Australia to say to him, ‘Oh by the way, you know how you said sure, don’t know if you were joking or not, but you’re basically booked in next Tuesday, which happens to be your birthday, for a reversal vasectomy’,” she says.

“And I look back and go ‘It’s amazing he just sort of went along with it’. So I don’t know, maybe there is something in this world to say there is fate and this little girl needed to be in our lives.”

The reversal didn’t initially work and it wasn’t until three years later that Tahlia was born.

“I was 42 when I had the baby and this gorgeous little girl came into our lives. She was meant to be,” the 49 year old says.

“My sister once said to me ‘You can’t regret having all the children you wanted’ because she’s 53 now and obviously not having any more children, and she says she looks at her table and there’s an empty chair.

“And you never want to have an empty chair in your house.”

Listen: Janine Allis talks business, motherhood guilt and reverse vasectomies.

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This content was created with thanks to our brand partner Real Ice Tea Co

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Top Comments

fightofyourlife 8 years ago

Can you really just book someone else in for surgery without their knowledge, with no previous consultation or anything?

Petal 8 years ago


fightofyourlife 8 years ago

Well, I didn't think so, which is why that part of the story seemed very strange to me.


When I had mine my specialist told me he considers his procedure permanent and theres no way I would reverse ii on a whim by my partner