
IVF will work for "three out of four" women: study

In news that will come as a relief for women struggling to become pregnant, a new study has found three out of four women embarking on fertility treatment will have a baby within five years.

The study, conducted in Denmark, found successful pregnancies could be a result of the treatment or natural conception, tracking almost 20,000 women between 2007 and 2010.

Over half the women participating fell pregnant in the first two years and the number rose to 71 per cent after five years.

Age was a big influence on success rates, with 80% of women under 35 years giving birth.

The birth rates declined to 60.5 per cent for women aged 35-40, and 26 per cent for women over 40.

“Overall, chances of a live birth are good, but successful treatment takes time. Couples will often need several treatment cycles, ” said one of the report researchers, Dr Sara Malchau.

“And even though the greatest chance of conception is following treatment, there is still a reasonable chance of spontaneous conception.”

The pregnancy questions you were too afraid to ask. (Post continues after video). 

The study, presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, found that age was the most important factor in predicting treatment success.

Dr Malchau told the BBC: “There is a very good chance of having a child, even if you have difficulties conceiving on your own.”

The findings follow concerns in Australia over the clarity of IVF clinic success rates.

A recent Four Corners investigation revealed women were being “misled” about their chances of success.

The ABC investigation found women aged over 45 in Australia have a 1.1 per cent chance of having a baby with a first time IVF treatment – or stimulated treatment cycle.

The authors of this new Danish study suggest the results offer a long-term prognosis for every couple starting fertility treatment.

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Top Comments

guest 8 years ago

The recent Four Corners investigation was skewed. They approached a number of patients from the clinic and only spoke to those whose choices, experiences and outcomes met the conclusion/ angle of the story. I know because I was contacted and my story didn't fit the plan, so the journalist didn't speak to us. They spoke to women or couples of a very particular advanced age, who hadn't had a live birth and had chosen to undergo many, many cycles.

I find it very hard to believe women were being “misled” about their chances of success. I saw two specialists form the clinic who were very upfront and candid about possible success and outcomes, who never pushed or gave false hope, likelihoods promises. Any further cycles were were very clear on the pros and cons, and we made fully informed decisions, The stats are plainly available on the website, the mandatory patient booklet and through the mandatory counselling to ensure you understand your position. I guess it would be easy to choose to turn a blind eye or put them out of your head if you realised the chances were low. But, it is a very careful system designed not to promise utter miracles. Only maybes. It is very difficult, personally, to know when to say 'stop', just due to the nature of it often being the last option for most couples.

What I do find very frustrating is the false hope and lack of clear information about egg freezing success rates. Plus it is a very very expensive procedure not covered by Medicare or health insurance, often coming with false promises. It's not the time machine it's irresponsibly and widely sold as being. That needs a big expose asap.

MontyC 8 years ago

It would be interesting to do the same study in Australia, and also a study on the long term effects of fertility treatment, with side effects of the drugs taken, including cancer.

Susie 8 years ago

There was a Danish study a few years ago which concluded there was an increased risk of ovarian cancer in women who had undergone IVF treatment, more so in those women who didn't become pregnant. Other studies refute these findings. I don't normally subscribe to 'big pharma' conspiracies, but I wonder if there is much interest in long term consequences of fertility treatment?