
"Do the honourable thing." Police Minister urges Ivan Milat to confess before he dies, & more in News in 5.

-With AAP.

1. “Do the honourable thing.” Police Minister urges Ivan Milat to confess before he dies.

Serial killer Ivan Milat should “do one last honourable thing on his deathbed”, says NSW Police Minister David Elliott.

The Belanglo State Forest serial killer is dying from oesophagus and stomach cancer and the 74-year-old could have just weeks to live, according to his nephew.

Elliott told 9 News he hopes Milat, who has always denied his role in seven murders, finally comes clean about his convictions.

The former road worker was sentenced in 1996 to seven consecutive life sentences for murdering seven backpackers whose bodies were found in makeshift graves in NSW’s Belanglo State Forest in the 1990s.

He also kidnapped British tourist Paul Onions who managed to escape from Milat’s vehicle.

Milat was taken from Goulburn’s supermax jail to the Prince of Wales Hospital in Randwick on Monday for a battery of medical tests. He’s now been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Milat’s nephew, Alistair Shipsey, says his uncle’s condition is “very bad”.

“I’ve been informed he’s only got a couple of weeks to live,” Mr Shipsey told Ten News on Thursday.

Milat – who’s reportedly lost 20 kilograms in recent weeks – hasn’t been able to eat or keep food down.

“So to me they’ve known for months – why didn’t they treat it?” his nephew said, adding he wanted to visit his uncle – whom he believes is innocent – “before he dies”.

“He’s one of my favourite uncles,” Mr Shipsey said.

Milat is being held in a secure annexe of the Randwick hospital and is expected to stay there for a number of days.

AAP understands he won’t be returned to Goulburn. It’s been reported he could go to Long Bay Hospital inside the jail at Malabar.

NSW Corrective Services NSW Commissioner Peter Severin earlier this week said prisoner transfers were done in the “most secure and safe way possible”.

High-risk and terrorism-related inmates are always guarded by specialist staff from the extreme high-security escort unit, a corrective services spokeswoman said.

At least one form of restraint – handcuffs or ankle cuffs – stay on high-risk inmates during medical treatment subject to medical requirements.

2. Australia mourns the death of former Prime Minister Bob Hawke.

With one day left before Australians go to the polls, the country is mourning the death of its most successful Labor prime minister, Bob Hawke.

The Labor Party legend and Australia’s 23rd prime minister died peacefully at his Sydney home, aged 89, on Thursday.

He is being remembered by all sides of politics as a man who made Australia better and as a “bloke” loved by all.

Labor leader Bill Shorten said he last saw “the great Bob Hawke” last week and his legacy would last forever.

“Bob Hawke loved Australia and Australia loved Bob Hawke. But his legacy will endure forever,” he said in Sydney on Thursday night.

“He brought people together, he brought Australia together, he modernised our economy, he transformed our society, he protected our environment.”

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Mr Hawke made Australia stronger.

“It was his ability to connect with everyday Australians with a word, with that larrikin wit, with that connection and an understanding of everyday Australian life that we will most remember Bob Hawke,” Mr Morrison said.

Mr Hawke was Labor’s most successful federal leader, known as much for his larrikinism as his policies that helped modernise post-war Australia.

He frequently sculled beers, making the Guinness Book of Records for downing a yard glass while a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, and even in his later years indulged fans at the cricket by knocking back drinks.

But he gave up the drink while prime minister and proudly boasted he “didn’t touch a drop” while in the top job.

The former ACTU leader rose through union and Labor ranks and won the party four elections, with his wife and mother to their children Hazel by his side.

But in 1991 he was dumped and replaced by his treasurer Paul Keating, his marriage hit the rocks, and eventually he and Hazel divorced. He married his biographer Blanche d’Alpuget in 1995.

Mr Hawke’s family will hold a private funeral. A memorial service will be held in Sydney in coming weeks.

Ms d’Alpuget was among those to honour her husband’s political contribution and its lasting impact.

“Among his proudest achievements were large increases in the proportion of children finishing high school, his role in ending apartheid in South Africa and his successful international campaign to protect Antarctica from mining,” she said in a statement.

“He abhorred racism and bigotry. His father, the Reverend Clem Hawke, told Bob that if you believed in the Fatherhood of God then you must also believe in the Brotherhood of Man. Bob would add today the Sisterhood of Women.”

3. “Guys like that, they drive me insane.” Nick Kyrgios rips into Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic.

If tennis fans were anticipating a spicy showdown between Nick Kyrgios and Bernard Tomic at last year's French Open, they'll certainly be keeping a keen eye on the 2019 draw next week following Kyrgios's spectacular attack on some of the biggest names in the game.

Kyrgios used a podcast at the Rome Masters as the platform to reveal his disdain for Novak Djokovic's "cringeworthy" post-match celebrations and Rafael Nadal's "super salty" double standards.

But he saved his best serve for Fernando Verdasco after a series of run-ins with the Spanish veteran both on the court and on social media over the years.

"Verdasco drives me nuts, man. That guy ... I don't even want to talk about it," Kyrgios told American freelance tennis writer Ben Rothenberg on the "No Challenges Remaining" podcast.

"It gets me so vexed, I'm like angry now that I just hear that name. He's the most arrogant person ever.

"He doesn't say hello, he thinks he's so good, he thinks he's God's gift. Dude, your backhand's pretty average and let's be honest, you hit a ball over a net.

"Guys like that, they drive me insane. There's no humility there, there's no perspective. It's just like, 'I'm here, I'm so cool, I'm unbelievable because I hit a ball over the net. Do this for me, do this for me, I won't say hello to you, I'm too important'.

"Guys like that. See how angry I'm getting? It kills me. He just rubs me the wrong way."

Nor can Kyrgios take much of Djokovic.

"I just feel like he has a sick obsession with wanting to be liked. He just wants to be like Roger (Federer)," the Australian said.

"For me personally - I don't care right now, I've come this far - I feel like he just wants to be liked so much that I just can't stand him.

"This whole celebration thing (blowing kisses to the crowd) that he does after matches, it's like so cringeworthy. It's very cringeworthy.

"He's an unbelievable player, he's a champion of the sport; one of the greatest we'll ever see. He probably will, honestly, I reckon he will get the grand slam count, I reckon he will overpass Federer.

"(But) we're talking about a guy who pulled out of the Australian Open one year because it was too hot. No matter how many grand slams he wins, he will never be the greatest for me.

"Simply because, I've played him twice and like, I'm sorry, but if you can't beat me, you're not the greatest of all time.

"Because if you like look at my day-to-day routine and how much I train and how much I put in, it's zero compared to him."

There's also bound to be no love lost if Kyrgios runs into 11-times French Open champion Nadal in Paris.

"Hmm, this is dangerous," Kyrgios said.

"He's my polar opposite, like literally my polar opposite. And he's super salty.

"Every time I've beaten him ... when he wins, it's fine. He won't say anything bad, he'll credit the opponent, 'He was a great player'.

"But as soon as I beat him, it's just like, 'He has no respect for me, my fans and no respect to the game'.

"And I'm like, 'What are you talking about? I literally played this way when I beat you the other previous times and nothing changed ... When you beat me in Rome here a couple of years ago, nothing changed; I was the same person'.

"It's not a good look for you, I feel. And then Uncle Toni (Nadal) came out saying, 'He lacks education'. I'm like, 'Bra, I did 12 years at school, you idiot. I'm very educated. I understand that you're upset I beat your family again'."

4. The mother of a horse rider who died at an equestrian event says the medic was "struggling".


When teenage horse rider Olivia Inglis suffered a deadly fall at a NSW equestrian event, officials didn't know there was a doctor nearby and she was instead left in the hands of a "struggling" medic, an inquest has heard.

Charlotte Inglis told the NSW Coroners Court on Thursday she arrived at the scene minutes after her 17-year-old daughter and Olivia's horse, Coriolanus, tumbled over a jump at the Scone Horse Trials in March 2016.

"When I walked towards her I asked (medic) David Keys if she was dead because she had her eyes wide open," Ms Inglis said.

"He said 'No she has a faint pulse. Mr Keys was struggling to work his equipment. I sat beside them and held her hand."

Ms Inglis said Mr Keys was "fiddling" with a breathing machine, pulling it in and out.

The event's technical delegate, Mathew Bates, told the inquest the fact Dr Lyndel Taylor was on hand to assist in emergencies had not filtered down to race officials on the day.

Counsel assisting Peggy Dwyer said Dr Taylor's statement revealed she'd made herself known to a race official after hearing a helicopter circling overhead and realising someone was hurt.

"She asked if that person needed a doctor ... (they) answered an emphatic 'yes'," Ms Dwyer said.

Dr Taylor was escorted to Olivia and arrived 20 minutes after her fall. The 17-year-old died at the scene.

Her death came just weeks before 19-year-old Caitlyn Fischer was similarly killed during an April 2016 eventing competition in Sydney.

Deputy state coroner Derek Lee is examining the circumstances surrounding both tragedies in a two-week inquest at Lidcombe.

Ms Inglis on Thursday said at the time of her daughter's fall, she and her husband - both Equestrian Australia members - were unaware licensed paramedics were no longer present at events.

"We had no idea we had a paramedic that was unable to use his equipment," she said.

"We had always been under the impression that we had the NSW Ambulance service. (David Keys) was not a trained ambulance officer. He was faced with a dire situation."

Equestrian Australia has since changed its rules to require a paramedic with the capacity to provide advanced life support to be present at events.

The inquest heard Ms Inglis, a highly respected rider in her own right, had raised concerns over five jumps on the course - including the jump where her daughter died - before the fall.

She was worried about the jumps' slim rails, deceptive appearance and the absence of a ground line and discussed her concerns with Olympian Shane Rose.

She said the jump appeared more like a show jump which collapsed on impact and Olivia's horse had struggled with it the day before.

"(Olivia) and I discussed that if he didn't jump the first few (jumps) well she'd pull up and walk home," Ms Inglis said.

An incident investigation report shown to the inquest showed that the jump did not meet at least three Federation Equestre Internationale cross country course guidelines.

5. The aged care system 'waits for people to die', aged care royal commission hears.

People living in residential aged care facilities are left stateless in a system waiting for them to die and "no one seems to give a toss", an expert says.

Professor Joseph Ibrahim says residential aged care should be a place where people can enjoy the last few months or years before they die.

"They know they're going to die. We know they're going to die," he told the aged care royal commission on Thursday.

"What currently happens is most of us sit around waiting for them to die and if they die quickly then it's a good job done.

"Everyone thinks that's a good thing and it's clearly not."

Prof Ibrahim said federal and state governments do not care about people living in aged care facilities.

"Residents are stateless," he told the Sydney hearing.

"The parliament does not care about people in residential aged care.

"If they truly cared they would do something or at least say something. They don't say anything. They don't act."

The head of the Health, Law and Ageing Research Unit within Monash University's Department of Forensic Medicine said nothing had changed in the past 15 years despite numerous inquiries and promises.

"If you have to go somewhere that is not your home, you deserve something better than you're currently getting."

Referring to a typical aged care resident, Prof Ibrahim said the result of being stateless was "an 80-to-90-year-old woman who had a hard time, sacrificed her life for the betterment of everyone else and is still doing it, and no one seems to give a toss".

Prof Ibrahim said society seemed to accept people dying prematurely in nursing homes, such as through falls.

"We believe they're old and have no benefit to society and that's just wrong."

Prof Ibrahim also criticised the lack of focus on residential aged care during the federal election campaign.

"The election is on Saturday and there's not been a word spoken," he said.

Labor this week pledged to ensure registered nurses and the appropriate mix of properly trained staff are at residential aged care facilities at all times.

The coalition has defended its investment in aged care while in government and has introduced new regulations for the industry from July.

The royal commission heard the new regulations on the use of physical restraints will mean residents in aged care facilities cannot be held in wings behind keypad-locked doors, unless specific conditions are met.

Health department assistant secretary Amy Laffan agreed it could mean a significant number of aged care providers have to put on more staff to care for residents.

The commission heard the department estimated the cost of having to allow people currently residing in wings behind keypad-locked doors to freely move around a facility at $30 million over 10 years, in terms of staffing, training and documentation.

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Top Comments

KM 5 years ago

I would have thought all horse riding events would have a paramedic and a doctor attending all events!!!

Cat 5 years ago

I was a rider in my teenage years and they certainly used to- St Johns ambulance was at every event I attended. There wasn’t a requirement to have a doctor but the nature of the sport means there’s usually at least one family member there who is one. It’s absolutely insane to think they dropped that policy, equestrian events are usually in remote areas and at the very least there’s usually a broken arm or someone needs to be checked for a concussion! EspecIally eventing, it’s incredibly dangerous.