I have three children, two boys and a girl, and up until eight months ago, I thought I had this parenting caper down pat.
Son number one was a shocker, in the nicest possible way. Terrible at feeding, even worse at sleeping. My husband’s memory fails him (likely because he wasn’t the one up all night during feeds) but my first was the worst of all of them, for sure. At around eight months of age I had enough of the constant waking, feeding and back to sleep routine. I decided to try the control crying method. For all its critics, it worked.
It took three nights. Night one was shocking. I wasn’t for the total cry-it-out so I went in for soothing duties. Despite his crying, I never felt that we went from protesting to distressed. Not once. Night two was better and by night three he was waking once, if that. After that he was a dream (get it). He is almost five now and still has a day sleep some days.
From that point on, I decided that if needed I would use the control crying method on my kids. I sang its praises because it worked. I was such a smug bastard back then that I want to go back in time and smack first time mum-me. I remember thinking – ‘why isn’t every parent doing this? If only they knew how quickly it worked – how painless it really was’.