
Children are not cigarettes, so why do we need zones that ban them?

A budget airline has announced a child-free zone on their flights to ensure the comfort of their passengers. Children under 12 are not allowed in the 'Scoot in silence' cabin behind business class on Singapore Airlines' budget carrier Scoot. They have become the second Asian airline to introduce a child-free zone.

CEO Scott Campbell said in a statement,  "No offence to our young guests, or those travelling with them, you still have the rest of the aircraft to choose from."

The airline is in talks to join forces with Tigerair Australia, which could lead to the first Australian airline implementing child-free zones.

Asian budget carrier AirAsia X's has a 'quiet zone' on it's flights where children under 12 are banned. Malaysian Airlines has banned infants from traveling in first class due to complaints from passengers who had trouble sleeping due to crying babies.

Let me just be clear when I say, THIS MAKES ME AS MAD AS HELL.

If a business class passenger snores during a flight in first class, I might have trouble sleeping too. Should we ban snorers as well? What about overly talkative passengers or ones who smell, or get drunk?

The very concept of banning children as though they are a health hazard is offensive. I for one will be boycotting companies that ban my children from certain sections.

Airlines need to get real. Why is it just the parent's responsibility to keep children happy during flights? If they put their minds to it they could come up with ways to help us entertain our children. We're paying for our seats and those of older children. That means that as customers we should be catered to, not ignored and hidden.

If there are child-free zones there should be play zones. If they restrict the movements of children under 12 they should bloody well cater for them too.

ALL paying customers should be treated with respect, including our kids.

If passengers are so offended by the noise of a baby crying perhaps we can sedate them and put them in the cargo hold with pets? Not the kids, the offended passengers!

Ridiculous right? Enough said.

What's been your experience of flying with kids? Do you think airlines should have child-free zones?

I never thought I'd settle for a conventional life. I was always such a rebel...and now here I am, a wife, a mother (and loving it!). I also dabbled in radio and traffic reporting for, oh, two decades. Now I'm a staff writer at iVillage Australia. Find me on Facebook and on Twitter.

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