
Microdermabrasion is the one treatment this skin expert would never do. She tells us why.

When it comes to skin treatments, microdermabrasion is up there as one of the most popular. Heard of it? Of course you have! We all have. It's been around for a while and is one of those in-clinic treatments a lot of people get before events.

Because microdermabrasion is one of those treatments where you walk out with skin that feels clean, soft, smooth and fresh. And the GLOW! So much glow.

So, yeah. It's understandable why the people rate it.

Watch: Amanda Ramsay talks skincare over 50. Post continues below.

Amanda Ramsay.

However, if you're one of the big ol' fans of microdermabrasion, we have some less-than-ideal news for you. Actually, you might want to sit down for this.

Because on a recent episode of You Beauty podcast dermal therapist, nutritionist and beauty journalist Yadira Cauchi told us exactly why microdermabrasion is the one treatment you'll want to skip.

And OH.

Want to listen to the full episode? Post continues below. 

"My least favourite treatment is microdermabrasion," Yadira shared. "I think it's such an old, outdated treatment. And I just hate it."



Here's everything she told us, including why microdermabrasion is bad for your skin and what to replace it with instead.

Why microdermabrasion may not be the best choice.

As Yadira explained on the podcast, "I feel like a lot of people go down the microdermabrasion path because they've heard of it, and they think that it's good for the skin but I actually see a lot of issues with that in-clinic."

At the top of the list? Impaired skin barriers.

While you'll experience a temporary feel-good glow, as Yadira shared, the treatment can actually end up doing a serious number on your skin barrier and microbiome.

That squeaky-clean feeling you get after the treatment? Apparently that's a very temporary smoothing of the skin's surface from the intense exfoliation. Which may be great short-term — but it's actually very bad for your skin in the long run.


Obviously, when you mess with your skin barrier and it becomes compromised, this can cause a whole load of different skin issues — ranging from irritation and sensitivity to acne and rosacea.

Meaning? You're essentially paying someone to absolutely annihilate your skin.

Sad! Confusing! WTF!

What can you do instead of microdermabrasion?

The good news? There are so many more options that are actually worth your money. After all, if you're seeing special deals or packages on microdermabrasion where you can buy some and get a couple free — it can't be good for your face.


When it comes to what our skin expert does recommend, instead of opting for the manual scraping action of microdermabrasion, apparently chemical peels are a great alternative.

“Instead of microdermabrasion, light chemical peels would be so much better for the skin. As technology advances, I think that people need to get with the times," she said.

With consistency, Yadira said chemical peels will help initiate change in your skin over time (including minimising the appearance of things like fine lines, acne and discolouration), without disrupting your skin barrier in the long run.

“I love chemical peels as a really great introductory treatment because they can gently resurface the skin. There are different chemical compounds that we use in-clinic at different strengths, so you don't need to come in and worry about having your face falling off for a whole week afterwards," she said.

"You don't need to have really intense chemical peels all the time! They're really mainstream kind of treatments that most skins can tolerate."

So, there you have it!

Obviously, make sure you see a skin expert for a consultation first and they'll be able to advise what's right for your skin.

Have you tried microdermabrasion before? What are your thoughts? Share with us in the comment section below.

Feature image: Instagram/@yadscauchiskin

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