We all hear about it. It’s plastered everywhere. We’re all pushed to do it.
The world of “breast is best” but is it?
There are numerous studies to show that breast simply is the best source of nutrition for bub. We get it. We understand it. As soon as you visit the midwife your
I didn’t breast feed. Don’t shake your head at me. Don’t think “oh you’re that mum” and don’t even say it’s easy.
It was a terrible, terrible experience for me. I hated it. Yes I said it – HATED IT.
With Ayden I didn’t really even try. The thought of breastfeeding made me want to hurl. I couldn’t understand what was wrong with me. Everyone else could do it so why couldn’t I? I could watch people breastfeed and I was fine with that. I’ve seen the glowing mother feeding her baby. She looked flawless. Radiant even (ugh).
I explained my concerns to my midwives at the time and her lovely bitchy self replied “it’s just young people these days.”
I get it. I was pathetic for not even giving it a go with Ayden. I was told off numerous people I should breastfeed.
In my head the thought of a child sucking on my tit or latching their precious lips over your breast (whatever term makes you feel better) made me cringe. I already felt like an oversized incubator, why not add a dairy farmer to the long list of names I would call myself.
I knew the benefits of breast feeding. I knew how it decreased SIDS, cancer, obesity etc.