
'I'm in a mixed phone relationship and it's ruining my life.'

Imagine meeting the love of your life and then realising they text you with the green bubbles instead of iMessage. 

That’s what happens to couples where one (correct) person owns an iPhone and the other (foolish) one insists on having an Android. Enter: a mixed phone relationship. 

It’s basically the modern-day version of Romeo and Juliet (except no one dies, you're just annoyed at the other one for not 'making the switch'.) 

Watch: Excuses for not going out. Post continues below. 

Video via Mamamia. 

As someone who has somehow found herself married to an Android user, lemme tell you: it is not for the faint-hearted. If you’ve lived a blessed life and haven't had to deal with this ridiculous and endless hardship, let me lay it out for you: 

You have to communicate over Facebook Messenger like it’s 2012. 

Any photo they send you is tiiiiinnny. 

They can’t FaceTime (you also have to use Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp for that). 

Ohhhhh and you’ll be convinced that your partner is earning a commission from Samsung because they. Won't. Shut. Up. About. It. 

"The Android camera is superior."  

"I never have to charge my phone at the end of the day, the battery is so good." 

"Have you seen Samsung’s new phone model?" 

"Apple has to have an entire store to help people with their phone problems, do you see any Samsung stores? No, because it’s a superior product." 


And don't even get me started on the different chargers. When Apple announced it was moving to the USB-C cable — the same as Samsung — my partner could've won an Olympic gold medal in smugness as he offered an "I told you so" for the ages. 

If I went missing, police checking my phone would think I’m in a loveless marriage because the only texts we ever send each other are the occasional shopping list for when the other one nips to Woolies. (Yes, I watch too much true crime to have had this thought process, but let’s move on.) 

A quick poll of the Mamamia office revealed I am definitely not the only one who hates being in a mixed phone relationship. 

"I did it once, never again," one colleague told me. 

"I just checked and my last text to my partner was in May 2023," said another. 

Another went as far as to call it a red flag, and said she’d cut it off immediately if she was dating a Samsung guy (I think she was joking but she’s onto something). 

I’m not telling you not to date someone with the opposite phone. But be prepared because being in a mixed phone relationship is basically like having a long-distance relationship: it can work for awhile, but eventually someone needs to crack and just make the switch. 

Because that green text bubble is enough to give anyone the ick.

Do you and your partner have different phones? Tell us about it in the comments below. 

Feature image: Canva. 

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