Nothing says ‘I’m smarter than you’ like sharing an intelligence test on your social media. It’s not bragging, right? It’s just 2016’s answer to the: ‘Mum, I drew THIS. LOOK at it.’ Whether you’re a fan or a fighter, puzzles that test your photographic memory or ability to locate a symbol have become wildly popular.
An intelligence test posted on Facebook has been rapidly shared across the platform for its perplexing puzzle and all-too satisfying answer. The test asks users to ‘share’ if they can solve the problem. If everyone is being an honest Harry, it would seem as though three million Facebook users have solved it.
The goal is to identify the pattern in the numbers. Can you see it?
Got it yet?
If you're having trouble solving it, you may need to just break it down and look at it a bit differently.
6 + 4 = 210
9 + 2 = 711
8 + 5 = 313
5 + 2 = 37
7 + 6 = 113
9 + 8 = 117
10 + 6 = 416
15 + 3 = 1218
Now try looking at it with the three-digit numbers on the right-hand side separated.
6 + 4 = 2 10
9 + 2 = 7 11
8 + 5 = 3 13
5 + 2 = 3 7
Get it yet?
The answer is to pick up on the pattern that emerges on the rightmost side.
Top Comments
Yeah this is a load of way is this a good indicator of genius! I'm pretty sure most people could figure this out very quickly.
I think that was easier to work out than some of my kids' year 8 maths sequences!! Or maybe I've been spending too much time lately helping with their homework :)